Tuesday, January 20, 2009

wedding news!

Hello everyone its been awhile since we had an update! Kids are doing well keisha just turned 5!! She is growing up so fast, she also got her ears priced such a big girl, austin is growing like a weed! He's such a boy. Were on wedding mode! Its july 18, and invites will be out soonish. Were all booked got the people we need for our big day! Kristina is going this weekend to look and hopeful find "The dress" sounds like this summer is going to be busy with all these weddings on the go! Wedding fever! Take care! Keep everyone posted!
Love jordan kristina and kids


The Hudkins Family said...

Sounds great! We will go North to your wedding and have exactly one week to go south to Pat & Heather's.

An exciting summer for this old gramma and grampa. Our family is growing!

Gramma & Grampa