Saturday, January 3, 2009

Babies, babies, babies

So bright eyed!

Tushy Time

Jacey to Kingston- I was here first
Kingston to Jacey- I'm bigger than you

Cute cousins, not looking at the camera

Christmas outfits
Sooo exciting all the news that is going on in our family! Can't wait until this year develops to meet all the little people. Also cannot wait for Seattle and visiting the Southern fam...hehe Anyways here are a few shots taken over Christmas of the little people, thought we would post before our trip. It was a fun Christmas, even though Jacey cannot begin to understand the gongshow of presents she received, still special for all the family. We sure enjoy her and all that she brings to our family. Things are going well, I was just called to be the Primary Chorister so I get to plan all the music now...a little intimidating but fun. Could be interesting!! Jon is looking for a job now and Jacey still eats, sleeps and does pottying! Nothing new there, except she has started to roll over and is slowly smiling here and there, you really gotta earn it though!!! So hopefully the New Year is good for all. We love you lots! The Bird Nest


The Hudkins Family said...

Nice pics,

The babies look like so much fun....
better you than me!!!!

Enjoy your families.... they grow up way too fast.

Love you all,

Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Those pictures are adorable you guys! Hard to believe they're both close to the same size now! They grow so fast!! Keep the pics coming, we love to see them!