Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hi Everyone,
We are at Troy & Nancy's and I am trying to use their laptop. We'll see how this goes!

I want to let you all know that last evening Graham's mom passed away. Jenny, Charlene & all the girls and babies came last evening. Anne was a wonderful lady, quiet, humble and unassuming and she left us in her own way - quietly, unassuming and in her own way. We are all richer for having known her. We pray that the Lord's comforting hand will be on Graham & Jenny, Jennifer & Tom and Anne's mom. May your happy memories be a comfort at this difficult time.

Jenny left this morning to return home. Our thoughts & prayers are with you.

Love & blessings to all,
Gramma from Bremerton, Washington


The Hudkins Family said...

We pray that all will be healed for Graham, Jenny, Jennifer, Tom and Annes mom. God bless you and Keep you close.

Uncle Brent and Auntie Rocky