Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pics of Fort Mac

As I promised, Here are some pics of Fort Mac from the air.

You can see the Clearwater river in the forground and the Athabasca in the upper left. Almost at the center is the hospital and the overpass that goes across Hwy 63 and then up to Abasand.

Another picture of Downtown and Abasand on the hill.

This is the Thickwood subdivision.

Timberlea has grown quite a bit.


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks for sharing these, Brent. It is so interesting to see the layout of the city from above.


The Hudkins Family said...

Very cool uncle!! Graham and I got to fly around a few years ago for our anniversary, it is beautiful!!! It is so neat to see how much the city has grown.
Love ~ Jenny