Saturday, January 17, 2009

Whitemud Falls

Hi everyone,

just a few pics that might interest some of you. Dan Wood, his nephew Chris (Neils son) and I rented a small plane and pilot to check out the Mcmurray area from the air. Dan wanted to get some GPS readings to find a lake. This is Nexen (Long lake SAGD plant).
Saw this moose on the Clearwater on the way back from the Whitemud Falls.
The Whitemud falls drops in a series of "rapids" rated from Class 1 to 6. Dan said the drop is approx. 80 or 100 feet. the guide book says there are cliffs of 40 meters high. It is hard to tell from the plane but you can make out the limestone cliffs on each side of the river.

You can see "islands" of cliff son each side of the falls.

This is Suncors plant. It was about -25C, lots of steam and cold in the plane. He had duct tape on the windows to stop a draft of cold air.

I'll post a few pics of Fort Mac in a day or two.
Uncle Brent


The Hudkins Family said...

Good pictures, Brent. I find them interesting. Dan & Neil's uncle is in the temple presidency.

Thanks for sharing.
