Saturday, January 24, 2009

from the rockies

Our love and prayers go out to Graham and Jenny, Jennifer and Tom and Ann's Mother. We really enjoyed the video (thank you mom for posting that link). I felt that watching it allowed us to get to know and celebrate Ann's life better. May you all feel the comfort that the plan of salvation can give during this difficult time. With the passing of a loved one it helps to bring things into perspective of how important it is to spend time with family and enjoy the wonderful personalities and qualities that each of us possess.

I have enjoyed reading all the wonderful news on the blog lately. Wow, is our family ever growing. It truly is an exciting time with all the weddings and babies being announced. I can't wait for the next few family reunions. They will sure be a lot of fun!

The Garth Hudkins family are all doing well. We are all healthy and happy and keeping busy. Arland and Emma are both doing well in school and are staying busy with their friends. Janene and I are enjoying our new career and business change at "Everything H2O" and are slowly finding our new routine. It certainly is an adjustment after having had a twenty year routine prior to this major change. We love you all and hope for the best with all!

Love Garth and Janene


The Hudkins Family said...

Hi Garth nice to hear from you.
If you send me a link and an icon I will put a link on the blog, then mine won't be the only one there.

Love ya all, Troy