Saturday, April 16, 2011


So..... I've been patiently waiting for someone to make an announcement and I haven't told anybody!!! I was going to spill the beans but found out that they already knew from another source. So I think it would be best if you would officially announce the awesome news (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!). Enough people already know but don't want to openly talk about it.


The Hudkins Family said...

All right...What,s going on! I feel out of the loop!


The Hudkins Family said...

I got to thinking about what anouncement we are waiting for here are my top five guesses...

1) Graham gave up his season's tickets to the Oilers?
2) Uncle Brent is planning a fishing trip this summer and will be inviting his two favorite brothers?
3) Auntie Charlene is buying a baby grand piano?
4) Jon discovered he has been cheering for the wrong hockey team and has decided to change spectator sports and is now supporting the jamaican bob sledding team?
5) Uncle Troy is pregnant?

This is the best that I can do, whoever has an announcement they should step forward soon so I Do not have to come up with five more guesses.

Love, Uncle Garth

The Hudkins Family said...

My favorite is #5 - mostly because the others are way too feasible and wouldn't call for secrecy, but they are all good guesses, Garth.

I do have to tell you - Grammas know everything but are the best of anyone at keeping mum. Sounds like Brent is near bursting though.

Love you,

The Hudkins Family said...

I know I have quite the enlarged abdomen happening, but I'm not pregnant either. I think someone is enjoying the tormenting. It can't be revenge because I tease or anything like that. But I said once before I'd give them a week and that was about 3 1/2 weeks ago. Bursting with..... excitement/pride/love? I don't know how much longer I will be able to contain it.

Uncle Brent

Jon and Alyson said...

hehe I love your guesses Uncle Garth! I also am excited to find out the news...spill the beans already!! =) Love, Alyson