Tuesday, April 19, 2011

~Update from Aaron & Chelsey~

Well for those of you that haven't figured it out yet or heard, YES Aaron & Chelsey are having a baby. Our due date is November 13th. We are just over 10 weeks along.
We have been waiting for the right time to let EVERYONE know and waiting to make sure everything was going okay. So far everything is going good, so we figured we would let everyone know since Brent has started the threats of spilling the beans. haha Obviously he is very excited. As are we too. We are wanting to find out the sex so we will for sure keep everyone posted.
Other news, Aaron is back in Fort McMurray doing the commuting thing again. He got hired on with North American Construction. We are very excited about his new position. It's hard having him away from home for so long but we know it will be worth it in the end.
Chelsey is busy working two jobs in Red Deer and looking forward to June, as the summer will bring some well deserved time off. We are planning a trip to PEI in August for a friends wedding and planning on doing lots of camping, as we purchased a tent trailer last summer. This summer really can't come fast enough.
Hope everyone is doing well and we thought we would post a few pictures from the day we found out we would be parents. One of the best days of our lives:

We were very excited but it was very late at night and Chelsey was tired from patiently waiting ALL day to tell her husband the exciting news..

       One Happy Man :)
Chelsey wrapped up this piggy bank (It says - New Baby Fund - Save for your new arrival) in a baby sleeper and had Aaron open it up when he came home from work and thats how he found out we were having a baby.


The Stannix's said...

Congrats you guys! Super excited for you both!!
Addie, Mike & Camilla

The Hudkins Family said...

Whew! Now I don't have to keep 'mum' (pardon the pun). We are delighted and feel really blessed to have such a large posterity. In Germany they would say "Ach, but you are rich!"

Congratulations. We look forward to hearing all the details - and yes, Brent & Roxanne are rightfully excited. I'm glad he spurned you on to making the announcement. Chelsey, I love the innovative way you told Aaron.

Gramma & Grampa

Jon and Alyson said...

WAHOO the cat is out of the bag. Soo excited for you guys! Congrats! Now on to the names something that rhymes with shmalyson sounds cool...just if you need some suggestions! =) - Love ya, Bird Crew (Jon, Alyson and Jacey)

polischuk said...

The Polischuk's are totally pumped for you guys!!! Love the creative idea Chelsey, fun, fun! I bet Brooke is excited too, she is always so fabulous with Amelia whenever we get to see her. Hope things continue to go well! BIG HUGS!!!!
~Graham, Jenny, Mia & TBA II

The Hudkins Family said...

So excited for you guys - and B|rooke will be a great "big sister" Glad you are doing well. Can't wait to hear if it is blue or pink!
Auntie Charlene

Garth said...

Well that is exciting news!!! Congrats to you both, I too loved the creative way that Chelsey let Aaron know.

Love Uncle Garth, Auntie Janene and Emma.

The Hudkins Family said...

Congratws to the two of you. we are also so excited for you guys. We cant wait to hear boy or girl. let us know when the poll begins.

Love lots,

Cassidy, Jeanine and kouper.