Saturday, April 30, 2011

Update from the former Hinko cousins!!

Yahhh spring has finally arrived!  Miss Mia is a fan of being outside and takes EVERY opportunity to lounge or rearrange her chair on the front porch.  She is also becoming a fan of sidewalk chalk and bubbles, last year she really wasn't into either. Check out her hilarious face below! Love it!!!
 Cousin Jacey is as awesome as ever! She is getting super good on her knees, pulling up and knelling to get into whatever is her target.  She also has some really focused hand movements which is cool to see her turning pages or taking hold of something she wants. Also cute to her Aunt but not so much her parents is when she starts talking when eating. Her face gets animated and out comes whatever was in her mouth but she is trying to communicate something and usually gives a big classic Jacey smile! Love this woman!!

Cousin Kingston is still a riot!  Seriously such a blast to see him interacting with his girl cousins.  He is so boy, yet so gentle with Jacey and Amelia.  His voice is adorable, and it is fun to hear him say in his low voice "Meeeeeaaaaa" or "Pllleeeeaaasssee", awesome.  He is also a serious fan of being outside now that it is warm.  Leslie was saying recently how he had such fun on a walk with his Dad in the river valley, which she also commented it was great to get her housework done while both her men were outside.  Oh being a mother!!!  He is growing up and so handsome as the pic below shows!  Love this little man!!!
 Just another pic of Mia since I am the one posting!  We were away in Cold Lake for a few days visiting Graham. This is a shot of Amelia at the dock/marina in Cold Lake.  They have a cool restaurant on the waterfront that we checked out while visiting.  Graham has been there on and off since the fall but is starting a shutdown today so will be on nights and gone until the weekend before the baby comes!  Boo!!!!  Although better now then after babe arrives.
 Me at 34 weeks!  Only five more weeks to go!!  I have a planned c-section happening again so Monday May 30th at 10:30am you can think about the Polischuk's because our daughter is scheduled to arrive.  How crazy is that, that we know the day and time. Nice for planning though!! hehehehe 

Big news for Mikel is that in two months he is done High School! Woot woot!!  This is very exciting and a super big deal.  We all plan to celebrate with him the end of June.  He said his grad ring should arrive any day. ohhh ahhh!!!

I have enjoyed the posts and am a fan of the recent face lift of our blog, well done! Hugs to you all!!!
~Love Jenny  also posting for (Alyson & Leslie & Mikel)


Jon and Alyson said...

Thanks for being the "poster" child for our fam!! =) Love ya Jen. Glad Cold Lake was fun. Love, Alyson

The Hudkins Family said...

We love the pictures and comments. These beautiful little people are growing up so quickly and they are so much fun. There is nothing that brings more joy than family.
Thanks for posting and sharing, Jenny. We are looking forward to May 30th!!

Love always,
Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks for the update, Jenny. We sure are looking forward to seeing the new ones yet to come. Luv U guys!

Uncle Brent