Sunday, April 17, 2011

St. George Road Trip

St. George Tabernacle.
The City of St. George got its name from one of the pioneers that setled there
under the direction of Brigham Young. George A. Smith, a cousin of the prophet and later an Apostle
 was referred to as the "Potatoe Saint" because he encouraged the settlers to eat raw
potatoes to fight scurvy, a sickness that plagued the Saints.  Raw potatoes
are high in vitamin C.

Looking down from the second floor.
 This spiral staircase was hand crafted with crude handtools.

 This chandelier was also handcrafted from wrought iron and was very heavy.
The coal oil lamps are now electric. To fill the lamps with oil, they used counter weights
and a pulley system to lower the chandelier. The chandelier is approx. 5 feet (1.6 meters) across.

 This is inside the Tabernacle.  Every Prophet, except for Joseph Smith Jr.,
stood at this pulpit. It was a special moment for us
to stand at the same pulpit as the Prophets!  Notice the organ
pipes... the air needed was hand pumped at the time.
More handcrafted designs. Sunflowers and Grapes.

 St. George Temple
If you look at the top of the temple, the round windows
were for apartments.  Notice the chimneys protruding out the top along the
edge.  This temple was the first temple completed in
Utah.  People from Salt Lake City had to travel many miles
to come here as it was the only operating temple at the time.  They stayed
in the apartments above. Do you see the Angel Moroni?  No?
That's because it is one of the few temples that doesn't have one.

The temple grounds were beautiful.

Going thru Mesquite brought back wonderful memories for me!  My sisters, Lorrainne, Linda
Louise and I went on a bus trip from Edmonton to Mesquite in 1997.  We stayed at a beautiful
resort for 8 nights and had a great time.  The cost included transportation and
accommodations for the bargain price of $50!  What a deal!!!

It took 1.5 hours to get from Las Vegas to St. George.  In that time we passed thru Arizona,
Nevada and Utah.

Brent and I had a great time on this trip.  We had beautiful weather and it
was great to see the temple and Tabernacle!

Love you all!


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures Roxanne, it looked like you guys had a wonderful trip. I kind of like the travelling thing!

Love Garth

The Hudkins Family said...

I enjoyed your pictures, Roxanne. What a lot of work the pioneers went to. Think of the trip from SLC to St George by wagon. I think they earned the right to stay in an apartment within the temple walls. I have heard a lot about St. George and Mesquite from temple workers. Hopefully Grampa and I will get there one day. Thanks for posting.

polischuk said...

Looks like it was such a lovely vacation you guys had! Love ya ~Jenny

The Hudkins Family said...

Louis and I went thru St. George with Margo and Ian a few years back and really liked it. Talked it up to Mom and Dad as I think they would really enjoy it, too!