Thursday, October 30, 2008

A few more...

As if this gramma has any complaints...ever!!! Gramma Heaven, with another on the way!!

Kingston had arrived....

Hey everyone, we want to announce a little person! We are pleased to show off Kingston Mikel Cartwright born Tuesday, October 28 at 5:32pm. He weighed in at 7 pounds 4 ounces and was 20 linches long. He has a whack of black hair an inch long all over his head and his dads lips, which he pouts when he needs to. Mom is in gramma heaven! It is baby central around here, with Jacey snoozing in one room, Kingston in another and preggo Jen taking over another room. Anyways we are gonna run and catch up on some sleep, talk soon and love you lots!!!

Waiting or a Picture

This spot is reserved for a picture of a little person.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hockey Game

Tomahawks versus Coeur d'Alene Lakers

Less than 3 minutes into the broadcast Cassidy scored the first goal of the game. Tomahawks went on to win the game 5-2. They also won all 3 games this weekend.

Love you all,

Uncle Troy

Back on the Net

Hi Everyone - well we were unable to get onto the net for nearly a week. Telus tried helping me by phone (a very nice little girl from the Phillipines.) She ascertained that they'd have to send a technician out. This A.M. a nice young man checked connections outside. Then came inside. I told him we were techno-stupid and that I thought the grey gizmo used to have a blinking light. He smiled and said "that's right".

Anyway - we needed a new modem - (the gizmo). So we are hooked up again. The new gizmo has four lights. All of them stay on steady. He said that this is the newest modem they have out now. Hopefully it will last longer than the last one. (Every time we have a problem, I think it's something I did.)

I know, I know - each of you are giving a big sigh and saying "Gee, we were enjoying the peace & quiet without Mom always commenting!" Oh well, you're stuck with me -- forever!!

Grampa and I are both doing fine. We're back at the Employment Center on Wednesday & Thursday (so it keeps Grampa out of trouble). I think people are happy to have the center open again, even if it is only two days a week. We do not have enough staff to open the full 5 days. Hope they get more people very soon.

We are anxiously awaiting news from Leslie & Mike.

Love you all very much,
Gramma & Grampa

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Polischuk MIRACLE!!!!

We have amazing news! Jenny is PREGNANT!!! After five years of trying to be patient, offereing many prayers and doing some crazy fertility stuff, things happened naturally! This is totally amzing to us!!! We are just six weeks along but have done 4 different tests and the doc says that things are going beautifully. Wow hey, can you believe it?? So according to the calendar baby should come the beginning of June, near my momma's b-day. This is a total miracle to us, we are so thankful. This pic was from the night we found out, Graham was actually in Fort McMurray so it was a over-the-phone 'best day of our lives' kind of celebration. We couldn't help sharing the news with those we love!!!!

Also, Graham got offered a job in Fort Saskatchewan! He has taken it and will start mid November. We get to be together again!!! He is excited about the job and the challenge that it will be. Big hugs to you all!!! LOVE ~ Jenny & Graham & TBA

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sports Stream Live NW broadcasts

Thank you to all that logged on and watched the hockey games over the weekend (especially Mikel Hinko, Uncle Louis and Gramma and Grampa) and thanks for the e-mails during the game. Thanks for watching Cassidy play and for supporting my broadcasts. Doesn't Auntie Nancy do a wonderful job on the camera?

We love you all and miss everyone very much.

Uncle Troy

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hello From Aaron & Chelsey!!

Our new home in Red Deer...
The backyard.....
Fall pictures...

Hey Everyone!!
We are finally starting to get settled in our new house in Red Deer. We love it here!! It's so pretty and the people are so friendly. Our house is great, still unpacking boxes and setting things up, but it's coming along. Rocky loves playing in the yard. We have a park right across the street, and a big field with a hill so Brooke can go sledding in the winter! Brooke will be coming to stay with us next weekend so we defiently will get some fall pictures and post them!

For now, here are some pictures for you to enjoy =)

Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!


Aaron and Chelsey


Internet Broadcast

Thanks for all the updates we do love hearing them and being able to keep up with everyone. Glad to hear that you are enjoying your new business Garth and Jeanine. Remember to enjoy the journey and all the new things it will teach you along the way.

Grandma your baby is 45 and doing well at this growing up thing.

We are all doing great here, we have had quite the journey this year but have learned alot about our faith. We have grown alot in our faith and continue to grow and learn, some lessons a little harder than other but we are moving forward.

Troy is doing well with his Sports Stream. He has been able to get several people interested and is doing several broadcasts. This weekend he is doing Cassidy's games, next week the University of Washington Husky games, as well as a few football games. If you would like to listen to Cassidy's game he play's Tonight, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 8:00pm our time. Just let us know and we can help you get on to listen to both Troy and Cassidy. (troy cell 360-340-0132) (nancy cell 360-340-8167)

The kids are all doing great. Pat is dating another great girl Heather and they are doing good. Mathew is working hard and still in school. I think he is to the point of wanting to be done, but moving along. Mark is still working in construction and texts Troy and the kids to talk with them often. Cassidy is busy with Hockey, they are on the ice everyday for a few hours along with dry land. Jeanine is working at lowes, so this keeps them very busy. Calorado is playing hockey and hanging out, he is also doing alittle work with some friends and some babysitting. Mackenzy is very busy, she is taking her classes in school as well as and independent class. She is playing hockey with her brother Cal with Cassidy and Troy coaching. She is playing outdoor soccer as well as indoor co-ed and is also playing on her Coaches over 30 indoor womens team and is also a junior coach with her outdoor coach for the 13 and under girls. Oh and when she has spare time she is always being called to babysit. I am just busy trying to keep up.
Thanks for all the updates. Love and Miss you all

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Science of Thank You

I have just finished reading (on page 108 of the October Reader's Digest) an article called "How the New Science of Thank You Can Change Your Life"

It is an article worthwhile reading. Our church leaders have encouraged us all along to show gratitude. Now the world is realizing what a great influence it has, not only on our mental health, but on our physical health and with relationships as well. Interesting that they are calling it 'NEW science'.

If you get a chance - it is a good read.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

From The Rockies

Well, it is October 7th. I would like to start by saying Happy Birthday to my Little Brother. Happy Birthday Troy!!!! It was really great to talk to you on the phone today. We sure miss ya all.

Thought I would take a few moments and update everyone on our family. Arland and Emma are doing well. They are both keeping very busy with early morning seminary, school volleyball and jazz band and socializing. They are both getting good marks in school, Janene and I are proud of the careing young adults they have become. From what I can see, I think Emma is enjoying her High School experience this year. (even though she is at the bottom of the food chain at school). Arland is the assistant coach on Emma's Volleyball team (I think he just likes to be around the girls) and thats ok too. Over all I think they are both doing fine.

We all miss Addie now that she is a married woman and living in Red Deer. (I agree with Brents comments on Addie and Mikes pics, I think that one picture of Addie and Mike on the tree branch shows that they must have had the timer on there camera set to fast as they did not get enough time to turn around for a decent exposure...) Those really are wonderful family pics Addie and Mike, and you both seem to be enjoying life and your time together. We sure look forward to having you both here during Thanksgiving.

We have enjoyed the company of Michael during the times that he comes home on his long changes from working with forestry. Chris is doing well in St Albert, and has recently started work with a new company called xcaliber. From the feed back I am getting from him I think he is enjoying it. I have been encourageing him to participate on the blog. (I even talked to his grilfriend to see if she could influence him)...I guess we will wait and see.

Janene and I are enjoying our new adventure with our business. It is called "Everything H2O". We produce, deliver and sell bottled water in our store. Some of our largest clients are the gas plants from the Red Deer to Rocky corridor. We also sell and build water purification systems. We have a water testing lab within the store which allows us to solve customers water problems. And last but not least, we sell spas or you may call them hot tubs. It is alot of fun and this will be a good career for the next 10 to 15 years.

Well I think that is all I have to say at this time. May God bless you all and may we all take the time to enjoy those little things in our lives that we seem to take for granted.

Love Garth, Janene and family.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday's Conference

One of the things I decided to do this conference - instead of taking lots of notes, was to just write down points of what we were asked to do. Troy has already talked about President Monson's "enjoy the journey". Here are some (but not all) of the points I wrote down.

* Re: Unity - Speak well of each other (such a common-sense thing).
* Challenges to faith are not new.
* Never become contentious when discussing faith.
* Pray sincerely and with faith
* Cling to your covenants. Stand in holy places.
* We cannot afford to be superficially righteous.
* Don't let the most important things pass you by (take joy in the journey). Let people know you love them.
* Fill our time, as much as we can, with those things that MATTER MOST.
* Marriage between a man and a woman is sacred.
* Our house - Our home - Our refuge.
* Remember - Every cloud does NOT bring rain.
* Find someone who is having a hard time and do something nice for them.
* Read and study these conference messages in the Ensign.
* Be mindful of those around us. Live together in peace, harmony and love.
* Remember to whom we pray. Remember in whose name we pray. Welcome Him into our homes and into our hearts.

I have lots more written down, but for me, the above list was most pertinent. I hope you don't mind me writing so much. I just so enjoyed every minute of the conference and wanted to share.

Love to everyone,

Enjoy the Journey

It's interesting that Pres. Monson talked about focusing on the journey not focusing on all the tomorrows. After all the struggles we have been going through the last few months, Nancy and I have been praying a lot and trying to find the direction in our life, and we have come to realize that we cannot focus on all the things that are in the future (although you must still keep them in mind), we know we will get there and that things will be fine. We just need to ENJOY THE JOURNEY. We keep telling each other that we will get there, enjoy the ride. After the last few months my testimony on faith and prayer has increased ten-fold, and I know that the things that have happened recently have come about because of our prayers and faith, along with our temple attendance.

We didn't get to see yesterdays conference because we were spending time with our children, as those times pass way to quickly, as Pres. Monson also stated.

We have also been working hard on getting the Sports Stream going. Friday night I went to Sequim (pronounced Squim) to do a football broadcast with a gentleman that wants to do all the games. While there I talked to a football coach and a basketball coach that both are very interested in doing broadcasts.

We are sorry we haven't been on for a while as we have had lots going on in our lives. I really appreciate those who post and make this blog a success. I enjoy reading and keeping up on the family as time moves on.

We love and miss you all,
Love Troy and Nancy (and all the other Americans)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday Conference Sessions

You probably all watched conference, but here is my short re-cap:

President Monson announced 5 new temples. One for Calgary!! How exciting is that! He also announced one for Rome! and 3 others.

Here are some thoughts I got out of today's sessions:
* Pray for the opening of areas that are now closed.
* Simplify your lifestyle
* Observe the word of wisdom
* Dress modestly
* Maintain spiritual fuel
* We don't know everything but we know enough (be an example)
* Store spirituality for difficult times
* Faith is not only a feeling, it is a decision
* Read the Book of Mormon
* The power of hope -- Never give in, never despair.
* Everyone must experience sorrow. No one is exempt.
* Angels are watching over us - those seen and those unseen.
* Take heart - be filled with faith - search diligently - pray always.
* Open your heart like a little child.
* Give a prayer where you only give thanks. (I'm going to work on this)

This is a pretty long list. I didn't realize I had this much. Grampa really enjoyed the Priesthood session.

We hope you all - every one of you - know how much we love you.
