Monday, October 27, 2008

Back on the Net

Hi Everyone - well we were unable to get onto the net for nearly a week. Telus tried helping me by phone (a very nice little girl from the Phillipines.) She ascertained that they'd have to send a technician out. This A.M. a nice young man checked connections outside. Then came inside. I told him we were techno-stupid and that I thought the grey gizmo used to have a blinking light. He smiled and said "that's right".

Anyway - we needed a new modem - (the gizmo). So we are hooked up again. The new gizmo has four lights. All of them stay on steady. He said that this is the newest modem they have out now. Hopefully it will last longer than the last one. (Every time we have a problem, I think it's something I did.)

I know, I know - each of you are giving a big sigh and saying "Gee, we were enjoying the peace & quiet without Mom always commenting!" Oh well, you're stuck with me -- forever!!

Grampa and I are both doing fine. We're back at the Employment Center on Wednesday & Thursday (so it keeps Grampa out of trouble). I think people are happy to have the center open again, even if it is only two days a week. We do not have enough staff to open the full 5 days. Hope they get more people very soon.

We are anxiously awaiting news from Leslie & Mike.

Love you all very much,
Gramma & Grampa


The Hudkins Family said...

Gramma, you are the queen of all bloggers, and we love it!!! And you are very right, we are stuck with you forever....and that is because families are forever!

Love Garth and Janene