Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Polischuk MIRACLE!!!!

We have amazing news! Jenny is PREGNANT!!! After five years of trying to be patient, offereing many prayers and doing some crazy fertility stuff, things happened naturally! This is totally amzing to us!!! We are just six weeks along but have done 4 different tests and the doc says that things are going beautifully. Wow hey, can you believe it?? So according to the calendar baby should come the beginning of June, near my momma's b-day. This is a total miracle to us, we are so thankful. This pic was from the night we found out, Graham was actually in Fort McMurray so it was a over-the-phone 'best day of our lives' kind of celebration. We couldn't help sharing the news with those we love!!!!

Also, Graham got offered a job in Fort Saskatchewan! He has taken it and will start mid November. We get to be together again!!! He is excited about the job and the challenge that it will be. Big hugs to you all!!! LOVE ~ Jenny & Graham & TBA


The Hudkins Family said...

I am so delighted for you both! What awesome news! A baby is truly a precious gift from our Heavenly Father. I know that you and Graham will be terrific parents. I am so extremely happy for you! Lots of hugs!

Auntie Roxanne

The Hudkins Family said...

This little miracle has not only parents that are absolutely thrilled, but a whole extended family that is delighted.

Our family just keeps growing and growing. We love it!!


Love and smooches,
Gramma & Grampa

Jon and Alyson said...

I'm excited to be an autie, Jacey now has another cuz...the birds are so excited for you...

Alyson, Jacey and the big guy Jon

The Hudkins Family said...

I told Charlotte you good news tonite. She was excited for you.

The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations you guys, thats awsome. More kids, how big is the family now? good job guys. love you lots.
Aaron and Chelsey

The Hudkins Family said...

Jenny and Graham,

This is the most exciting news ever. I think it is totally awesome that you guys are pregnant, I think that you guys will be the greatest parents. Congratulations and God Bless.

Love Uncle Troy and Auntie Nancy

The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations Jenny and Graham! This is the best news ever!! You will make wonderful parents.

Love Garth and Janene