Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday's Conference

One of the things I decided to do this conference - instead of taking lots of notes, was to just write down points of what we were asked to do. Troy has already talked about President Monson's "enjoy the journey". Here are some (but not all) of the points I wrote down.

* Re: Unity - Speak well of each other (such a common-sense thing).
* Challenges to faith are not new.
* Never become contentious when discussing faith.
* Pray sincerely and with faith
* Cling to your covenants. Stand in holy places.
* We cannot afford to be superficially righteous.
* Don't let the most important things pass you by (take joy in the journey). Let people know you love them.
* Fill our time, as much as we can, with those things that MATTER MOST.
* Marriage between a man and a woman is sacred.
* Our house - Our home - Our refuge.
* Remember - Every cloud does NOT bring rain.
* Find someone who is having a hard time and do something nice for them.
* Read and study these conference messages in the Ensign.
* Be mindful of those around us. Live together in peace, harmony and love.
* Remember to whom we pray. Remember in whose name we pray. Welcome Him into our homes and into our hearts.

I have lots more written down, but for me, the above list was most pertinent. I hope you don't mind me writing so much. I just so enjoyed every minute of the conference and wanted to share.

Love to everyone,