Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday Conference Sessions

You probably all watched conference, but here is my short re-cap:

President Monson announced 5 new temples. One for Calgary!! How exciting is that! He also announced one for Rome! and 3 others.

Here are some thoughts I got out of today's sessions:
* Pray for the opening of areas that are now closed.
* Simplify your lifestyle
* Observe the word of wisdom
* Dress modestly
* Maintain spiritual fuel
* We don't know everything but we know enough (be an example)
* Store spirituality for difficult times
* Faith is not only a feeling, it is a decision
* Read the Book of Mormon
* The power of hope -- Never give in, never despair.
* Everyone must experience sorrow. No one is exempt.
* Angels are watching over us - those seen and those unseen.
* Take heart - be filled with faith - search diligently - pray always.
* Open your heart like a little child.
* Give a prayer where you only give thanks. (I'm going to work on this)

This is a pretty long list. I didn't realize I had this much. Grampa really enjoyed the Priesthood session.

We hope you all - every one of you - know how much we love you.



The Hudkins Family said...

The other 3 temples announced were; Brazil, Argentina and I think the other one was Colorado. Well getting ready for work now hope you enjoy coference today. I'm recording it so I can watch it later.


Uncle Brent

The Hudkins Family said...

The other temple was Kansas. I'm looking forward to today's sessions. It is now after 9:30 but we don't have the Tabernacle Choir on yet. I always enjoy them. I've already written my THANK YOU letter to Shaw Cable for airing the conference. They do it as a public service which is really nice of them.