Tuesday, October 7, 2008

From The Rockies

Well, it is October 7th. I would like to start by saying Happy Birthday to my Little Brother. Happy Birthday Troy!!!! It was really great to talk to you on the phone today. We sure miss ya all.

Thought I would take a few moments and update everyone on our family. Arland and Emma are doing well. They are both keeping very busy with early morning seminary, school volleyball and jazz band and socializing. They are both getting good marks in school, Janene and I are proud of the careing young adults they have become. From what I can see, I think Emma is enjoying her High School experience this year. (even though she is at the bottom of the food chain at school). Arland is the assistant coach on Emma's Volleyball team (I think he just likes to be around the girls) and thats ok too. Over all I think they are both doing fine.

We all miss Addie now that she is a married woman and living in Red Deer. (I agree with Brents comments on Addie and Mikes pics, I think that one picture of Addie and Mike on the tree branch shows that they must have had the timer on there camera set to fast as they did not get enough time to turn around for a decent exposure...) Those really are wonderful family pics Addie and Mike, and you both seem to be enjoying life and your time together. We sure look forward to having you both here during Thanksgiving.

We have enjoyed the company of Michael during the times that he comes home on his long changes from working with forestry. Chris is doing well in St Albert, and has recently started work with a new company called xcaliber. From the feed back I am getting from him I think he is enjoying it. I have been encourageing him to participate on the blog. (I even talked to his grilfriend to see if she could influence him)...I guess we will wait and see.

Janene and I are enjoying our new adventure with our business. It is called "Everything H2O". We produce, deliver and sell bottled water in our store. Some of our largest clients are the gas plants from the Red Deer to Rocky corridor. We also sell and build water purification systems. We have a water testing lab within the store which allows us to solve customers water problems. And last but not least, we sell spas or you may call them hot tubs. It is alot of fun and this will be a good career for the next 10 to 15 years.

Well I think that is all I have to say at this time. May God bless you all and may we all take the time to enjoy those little things in our lives that we seem to take for granted.

Love Garth, Janene and family.


The Hudkins Family said...

Good to hear from you, Garth, Janene and Family. Glad to hear you're enjoying the new business. I know who to call to purchase and set up the water system when we retire at Camp Creek.


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks for the update from the Rockies. I'm always excited when we have new news on the blog.

Grampa &I, too are very proud of everybody and what they are doing.

Can you believe my baby is 45???


The Hudkins Family said...

Hey our Rocky Fam...Big hugs to you all!! I've been wondering about things with you Uncle and Auntie, so glad to hear that the new biz is going well.

Love ya!!! ~Jenny