Sunday, October 5, 2008

Enjoy the Journey

It's interesting that Pres. Monson talked about focusing on the journey not focusing on all the tomorrows. After all the struggles we have been going through the last few months, Nancy and I have been praying a lot and trying to find the direction in our life, and we have come to realize that we cannot focus on all the things that are in the future (although you must still keep them in mind), we know we will get there and that things will be fine. We just need to ENJOY THE JOURNEY. We keep telling each other that we will get there, enjoy the ride. After the last few months my testimony on faith and prayer has increased ten-fold, and I know that the things that have happened recently have come about because of our prayers and faith, along with our temple attendance.

We didn't get to see yesterdays conference because we were spending time with our children, as those times pass way to quickly, as Pres. Monson also stated.

We have also been working hard on getting the Sports Stream going. Friday night I went to Sequim (pronounced Squim) to do a football broadcast with a gentleman that wants to do all the games. While there I talked to a football coach and a basketball coach that both are very interested in doing broadcasts.

We are sorry we haven't been on for a while as we have had lots going on in our lives. I really appreciate those who post and make this blog a success. I enjoy reading and keeping up on the family as time moves on.

We love and miss you all,
Love Troy and Nancy (and all the other Americans)


The Hudkins Family said...

It's good to hear from you Troy.

Yes - we need to enjoy the journey. It is all the little things that happen along the way that culminate into the big one.

Our testimony is very important, and we need to work on it daily. It took me a lot of years to figure that out.

We are proud of how you Americans have grown in the gospel and love you all very much. I'm looking forward to seeing you in January.