Thursday, October 30, 2008

Kingston had arrived....

Hey everyone, we want to announce a little person! We are pleased to show off Kingston Mikel Cartwright born Tuesday, October 28 at 5:32pm. He weighed in at 7 pounds 4 ounces and was 20 linches long. He has a whack of black hair an inch long all over his head and his dads lips, which he pouts when he needs to. Mom is in gramma heaven! It is baby central around here, with Jacey snoozing in one room, Kingston in another and preggo Jen taking over another room. Anyways we are gonna run and catch up on some sleep, talk soon and love you lots!!!


The Hudkins Family said...

Kingston is beautiful, Les & Mike.
Congratulations. Good job!

Poor Grampa - he's been overrun by babies - and no place to look!

Jacey & Kingston look so good together.

Our posterity is growing and growing. We are truly blessed.

Love to everyone,
Great Gramma & Great Grampa