Thursday, October 9, 2008

Internet Broadcast

Thanks for all the updates we do love hearing them and being able to keep up with everyone. Glad to hear that you are enjoying your new business Garth and Jeanine. Remember to enjoy the journey and all the new things it will teach you along the way.

Grandma your baby is 45 and doing well at this growing up thing.

We are all doing great here, we have had quite the journey this year but have learned alot about our faith. We have grown alot in our faith and continue to grow and learn, some lessons a little harder than other but we are moving forward.

Troy is doing well with his Sports Stream. He has been able to get several people interested and is doing several broadcasts. This weekend he is doing Cassidy's games, next week the University of Washington Husky games, as well as a few football games. If you would like to listen to Cassidy's game he play's Tonight, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 8:00pm our time. Just let us know and we can help you get on to listen to both Troy and Cassidy. (troy cell 360-340-0132) (nancy cell 360-340-8167)

The kids are all doing great. Pat is dating another great girl Heather and they are doing good. Mathew is working hard and still in school. I think he is to the point of wanting to be done, but moving along. Mark is still working in construction and texts Troy and the kids to talk with them often. Cassidy is busy with Hockey, they are on the ice everyday for a few hours along with dry land. Jeanine is working at lowes, so this keeps them very busy. Calorado is playing hockey and hanging out, he is also doing alittle work with some friends and some babysitting. Mackenzy is very busy, she is taking her classes in school as well as and independent class. She is playing hockey with her brother Cal with Cassidy and Troy coaching. She is playing outdoor soccer as well as indoor co-ed and is also playing on her Coaches over 30 indoor womens team and is also a junior coach with her outdoor coach for the 13 and under girls. Oh and when she has spare time she is always being called to babysit. I am just busy trying to keep up.
Thanks for all the updates. Love and Miss you all


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks, Nancy, for the update. We are always so glad to hear what and how everyone is doing.

I have news for you all. If you think 45 is grown up - you're badly mistaken. Grampa and I are still struggling with growing. Just enjoy the journey.

We will be watching Cassidy & listening to Troy this evening. Will you be doing the camera again, Nance? You did a great job last time.