Wednesday, May 27, 2009

waiting for more r.s.v.p.s :)
haha....the count down is on!


Monday, May 25, 2009

Yahoooooo more cousins!!!!!!

Congrats Brandon and Barb!!!
We hope that you two have the time of your lives together. We cant wait to meet you Barb and the kids. We hope that your wedding was everything you wanted. Again congrats.

We are also excited to see and meet the two babies that are on the way. So we want to see pictures of the new babies and the wedding asap.

Oh and Jenny we were really excited when we heard the date for your little one, because June 9th is actually our nieces birthday as well, so we just thought that that was kinda fun.

Well we love you all and cant wait to hear from everyone.

Cassidy and Jeanine

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Barb and Brandon

Congratulation newly weds, You will make a great couple, Barb we can't wait to meet you and the other new additions to the family. Our family is growing so much.

We love you guys and miss you all,
Uncle Troy and Auntie Nancy

P.S. please post some pics, we love to see them.


Yes! as of yesterday we have 5 more great grandchildren and we are very pleased. Their names are Tyeesha, Jakeem, Aundre, Marcus & David. Now -- if you kids would only give me a few of your curls so that I wouldn't need to get a perm every two months, you'd make me the happiest great gramma in the whole wide world!

Brandon & Barb had a lovely wedding. I'm sure Brent will be posting pictures as soon as he can catch his breath.

Welcome to our family, Barb & children. It will be so fun to have you participate in our family reunions. We all love getting together.

Now we are looking forward to our next two additions. Our new Polischuk lady and our new Stannix person.

We love you all very much,
Gramma & Grampa

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tired of the Snow!

O.K. I've had enough snow for this winter. I'm sick and tired of this global warming. If we think global 'colding' will we get some warm weather???

I would like to go to greenhouses and pick up some plants for my balcony, but really can't get into it with snow on the ground.

Just to let you know that Grampa is now #30 on the waiting list for his cornea transplant.

We are beginning to get a handle on things at the mission office. Still have a ways to go. we're enjoying it but find ourselves getting pretty tired by the end of the week. I think it's a scheduling thing -- certainly couldn't be old age!!

Well - I need to run. We should be at the temple right now.


Monday, May 18, 2009


Dad, Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and Husband (lover I'm sure)

Happy birthday Dad we love you very much. Thank you for all you have done for us and all that you have taught us through the years. Mostly for having a car that never drives past Dairy Queen.

Hope your day was enjoyable.

Love you lots,

Troy, Nancy, Pat & Heather, Mat & Liza, Mark, Cass & Jeanine, Cal & Nani, MacKenzy

Just us again

Hi everyone,

Hope all are doing well. Work has been steady and the kids have been busy with sports. Nancy has had a rough couple of weeks with her legs but is doing OK, the kids have been driving her to the store and helping out around here. Saturday was 78 degrees and Sunday was 81 degrees. We had about 5 days of really hard rain since the last sunshine, they were even preparing for flooding the day we had the storm. All is well with us.

We love you all and miss you,
Troy, Nancy and the crew

P.S. There is lots of views but not much writing, please put up quick little notes so everyone can keep up on the other families.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

TBA countdown!!! Estimated time of arrival June 9th, 2009!!!

Hey family, so check out a cool 3-D ultrasound and TBA-with me at 34 wks! The ultrasound is tricky but her left arm is up covering half her face, you can see her right eye, nose and part of her mouth. Good luck finding her!!!

We can hardly believe how fast the time has flown.
Her room is almost ready, clothes are washed and in her drawers, bedding placed in her crib and the final touch is a mural Graham's sister Jenn is doing in the nursery. The mural is really cool a cherry blossom tree that extends from the corner of the room up and over her crib - blossoms in different shades of pink - of course! Pics to follow when masterpiece is complete!

On June 9th at 12:30 when you are all eating your lunch think of the Polischuk's because we know that is when our lady is 'booked' to join our family! How can we be so percise, a planned c-section!!!! I know that I look like a super beefcake but with my muscle condition we feel like this is the best thing for BOTH of the Polischuk ladies. I was kind of stewing over whether or not to do it this way but apparently they call it labour for a reason (don't worry Addie). Grandma said it wasn't dumb to pray about it - funny how our lady isn't even officially here yet and I was stressing about how to bring her here. Let being a parent begin I guess. As soon as we chose the c-sec route I felt peace and know it is June 9th will be her Birth Day!!!!

I LOVE it that she already looks kinda chubby! They estimated her weight at our ultrasound to be 4lb 13oz which is right where she should be, I am very pleased. They couldn't see much hair so her jar of hair accessories might have to wait (yes I have jar already with various colour bows and headbands)!!! We are so excited to meet her, who knew I could grow a healthy little person, go figure!
We love you all lots! Can't wait to see most of our family at Barb and Brandon's Wedding, we will miss you Yankee family.
Love Graham, Jenny & TBA

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Darn Gramma beat me......

Happy Mothers Day to all the women in this family, starting with Gramma, to the sisters and sister-in-laws, to the nieces and niece-in-laws, to the daughters and daughter-in-laws.

To all those mothers, mothers-to-be, and those who will be future mothers, May you have a great day. May the man in your life treat you with the respect you deserve and praise you for being the wonderful mother that you are. Without you we men would probably not be able to make it through since there are so many things that mothers do that we don't see or give the proper appreciation for.

On behalf of all the men in this family I wish all of you females a

Love you all,

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers, mothers-t0-be and those who will one day be mothers.

I want you to know that I am very proud of you and stand in awe of the wonderful mothers you are. The insight you have, the tenderness, caring and patience you have. You are all a great improvement over what I ever did. I flew by the seat of my pants. You are all miles ahead of me and I am so proud and pleased -- (as we get older, we relish in our children)

Yes -- and you Dads are great too!!

Love to you all,

Thursday, May 7, 2009

This is FUNNY

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Stannix's

Hey Everyone! It's so great to see so much action on the blog! It's nice to see everyones pictures and hear about how everyone is doing. Here's my belly shot Gramma! This was taken at 31 weeks. I have just over 7 to go now! Mike and I are getting really excited! The baby has been moving and kicking lots which has been a lot of fun for both of us! Because the baby is due right around our anniversary, we decided to celebrate a bit early by taking a trip to Vegas (cheap, cheap, cheap!). We had a lot of fun and it was nice to get away after exams were finished and take a break before Mike started back at work this summer. Right now we are looking for places to rent in Edmonton and have found some decent places, but haven't heard anything back from anyone yet. Hopefully everything will work out! I've posted a few pictures from our trip! Hope you all enjoy!

This was taken right in the airport!

This was taken at the Bellagio hotel! It's so pretty! They run these fountain shows to music every 15 minutes. At night it's a lot of fun because of the music and lights. It's really amazing!

This is mike while we were waiting for a fountain show!

Love you all lots!! Take care!

long time

Hi Everybody! Its been a long time since I posted something. The las 2 sets of days off I had, we went to Barrhead to visit Roxannes parents. Erwin is almost 88 yrs old and not doing well. Its only a matter of a short time (but you never know). Hes german and more stubborn than Grandma Hudkins. Anyway Barb & Brandons and family made it as did Aaron & Chelsea. lots of people left before I took this group photo. Thankgoodness for timers. I had to run to the back and jump up on a chair without falling or tripping. Love from Uncle Brent

P.S. I will be bringing Grandma and Grandpa Hudkins down for Pats wedding. As long as there are no surprises that will change our plans for us.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Jacey Bird and Co.

Hey all, after reading gramma's plea to update we are getting on top of it! Well Jon is still busy working. Jon and I are also getting ready to look at houses/anything we can afford!! hehe Yep, getting excited about buying something. As for Miss Jacey, well she is growing like a weed and getting to be quite her own little person. She is smiling alot more and giggling a bit, standing and jumping on anything that will let her. She has also cut her first tooth, nicknamed Hercules! We have also gotten the results back from her MRI. Jacey has low white brain matter, it is thin in some areas and non existent in others. This means that although her brain is telling her to do things, the white matter that is not there won't transport the impulses to her body. This is why she had trouble breathing, why her eyes took a long time to focus and it also affects her emotions. (Hopefully she is still our sweet little lady after everything) Although we are beginning to catch certain feisty glimpses hehe perhaps a bit more of her mom is showing now!! YIKES! Jacey has to see a neurologist, opthamologist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist and also get a hearing test done. Jon and I need to do some genetic counseling or tests...not sure how that works yet. It will be decided if it is genetic or else something that happened pre/post delivery, the neurologist will be able to tell us. So this is alot to think about, but honestly it could be much worse!! Jacey is still a sweet lady, it isn't a debilitating or degenerative thing which were grateful for. So that is all I think, were just waiting for an appt with these doctors and then go from there. Our doctor said luckily we noticed things while she was young and so we will be able to start things early and also we have seen some improvements and changes already so that is promising. He also said that white brain matter eventually starts to reprogram and rewire its pathways so hopefully she will be able to just outgrow it with some work. WHEWPH!! That is alot of info for everyone. Besides this we are doing great and excited to see people this summer. Can't wait for all the weddings and get togethers. Love you all and take care. -Bird Family

Grammas' Fetish SATISFIED

The perfect belly picture! O-O-oh, the backpain is starting.
Could it be twins?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Gramma Again

Hi everyone,
Aren't you proud of me? I haven't been on the blog for a while.

This past Friday evening and Saturday Charlene, Jenny, Alyson, Leslie, Sylvia & I attended Time Out for Women. We were privileged to hear lots of good speakers, among them Sheri Dew and Wendy Watson Nelson. The theme of the conference was based on Hebrews 10:22 "Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith..."

Some highlights that stood out for me were: (these are only a few. There were lots)

* In praying ask: "Teach me to learn the language of the Holy Spirit".
* After conference, sacrament meeting, Sunday School, etc. etc. ask yourself these three questions: What did I hear? What did I learn? What will I do about it?
* Name one thing that you KNOW FOR SURE right now - right this minute.

These are only just three things. I'm sure some of the others can add much more.

For me - the one thing I know for sure is that we are all children of our Heavenly Father and that we are never alone. We can always turn to Him for guidance through prayer and the scriptures.

I also know for sure that I love my family more than words can express.

I know for sure that this is getting long and that I should sign off now.

Love to you all,

PS: Our two expectant moms only have just over a month to go. It would be fun to see more belly pictures. --

I would also like to see more great grandchildren pictures on the blog. That includes ALL THREE Hudkins boys children, Cartwright & Bird!!!
The very least you can do in your life,
Is to figure out what you hope for.
The most you can do is to live inside that hope.
Not admire it from a distance,
But live right in it, under its roof.

Let us all look into our lives and figure out what WE hope for....

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Time to post again

Well, I'm sorry we haven't been on in a long time. We have been busy at work and soccer as well as with church duties.

The last three days we have had 65-73 degrees, it has been a real treat after the long winter.... I know, not like your winter but still nice to see sunshine.

I got to do some work on one of the NOAA ships in Seattle, it was a fairly large ship, kind off like a Coast Guard cutter. It was a pretty cool job, I did work for the guy I coached with last season (he does metal fabrication), everything on the ship is made out of stainless steel. He does some pretty neat work.

I hope everyone is doing well and all are healthy. If anyone is really healthy they might be able to put a post on the blog.

We love you all and miss you,

Troy and Nancy