Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Stannix's

Hey Everyone! It's so great to see so much action on the blog! It's nice to see everyones pictures and hear about how everyone is doing. Here's my belly shot Gramma! This was taken at 31 weeks. I have just over 7 to go now! Mike and I are getting really excited! The baby has been moving and kicking lots which has been a lot of fun for both of us! Because the baby is due right around our anniversary, we decided to celebrate a bit early by taking a trip to Vegas (cheap, cheap, cheap!). We had a lot of fun and it was nice to get away after exams were finished and take a break before Mike started back at work this summer. Right now we are looking for places to rent in Edmonton and have found some decent places, but haven't heard anything back from anyone yet. Hopefully everything will work out! I've posted a few pictures from our trip! Hope you all enjoy!

This was taken right in the airport!

This was taken at the Bellagio hotel! It's so pretty! They run these fountain shows to music every 15 minutes. At night it's a lot of fun because of the music and lights. It's really amazing!

This is mike while we were waiting for a fountain show!

Love you all lots!! Take care!


The Hudkins Family said...

I'm glad you had a good time in Vegas. We've never been there.

I love your belly picture. You look beautiful! (Way nicer than that gross hairy belly previously shared with us)

Yes, Mike - you look beautiful too. Just like a glowing Dad to Be. Keep up the good work.

Gramma & Grampa

PS: Boy - when Gramma asks for something - everyone hops right to it!!!

The Hudkins Family said...

Vegas is a lot of fun. Glad you could get one in before the baby comes.... because life as you know it will change dramatically once there is a little person, everything you do will be based on the little one.

Love Uncle Troy and Auntie Nancy