Sunday, May 24, 2009


Yes! as of yesterday we have 5 more great grandchildren and we are very pleased. Their names are Tyeesha, Jakeem, Aundre, Marcus & David. Now -- if you kids would only give me a few of your curls so that I wouldn't need to get a perm every two months, you'd make me the happiest great gramma in the whole wide world!

Brandon & Barb had a lovely wedding. I'm sure Brent will be posting pictures as soon as he can catch his breath.

Welcome to our family, Barb & children. It will be so fun to have you participate in our family reunions. We all love getting together.

Now we are looking forward to our next two additions. Our new Polischuk lady and our new Stannix person.

We love you all very much,
Gramma & Grampa