Monday, May 18, 2009


Dad, Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and Husband (lover I'm sure)

Happy birthday Dad we love you very much. Thank you for all you have done for us and all that you have taught us through the years. Mostly for having a car that never drives past Dairy Queen.

Hope your day was enjoyable.

Love you lots,

Troy, Nancy, Pat & Heather, Mat & Liza, Mark, Cass & Jeanine, Cal & Nani, MacKenzy


The Hudkins Family said...

Oh yes - and all the trips to Edmonton. "Fill up the junk food and check the gas."


The Hudkins Family said...

Boy have you got a good memory!! Or do you remember the stories more than the actual event! No matter what, thank you so much for the kind thoughts. It sure brings back memories of the 1957 Chev not wanting to go past ANY DQ! I can't think of anything more special than memories and got many more of you and all the crew stored up in my memory to come forward any time I get lonely.
Love you all lots. - Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

love you grandpa. i thought of you the other day and i was totlly helping someone move and all i remember saying was im getting to youg for this crap lol it made me lagh so much cause i pictured you and yes the DQ car that thing gave me my hypoglycemia haha anyways i hope you birthday was everything you wanted and grama didnt beat you for eating so much cake cause i know you would cause im just like you but nani and i say happy birthday sorry its and we love you lots oh and hi grandma love you to dont hurt grandpa =)