Saturday, May 2, 2009

Time to post again

Well, I'm sorry we haven't been on in a long time. We have been busy at work and soccer as well as with church duties.

The last three days we have had 65-73 degrees, it has been a real treat after the long winter.... I know, not like your winter but still nice to see sunshine.

I got to do some work on one of the NOAA ships in Seattle, it was a fairly large ship, kind off like a Coast Guard cutter. It was a pretty cool job, I did work for the guy I coached with last season (he does metal fabrication), everything on the ship is made out of stainless steel. He does some pretty neat work.

I hope everyone is doing well and all are healthy. If anyone is really healthy they might be able to put a post on the blog.

We love you all and miss you,

Troy and Nancy