Wednesday, May 13, 2009

TBA countdown!!! Estimated time of arrival June 9th, 2009!!!

Hey family, so check out a cool 3-D ultrasound and TBA-with me at 34 wks! The ultrasound is tricky but her left arm is up covering half her face, you can see her right eye, nose and part of her mouth. Good luck finding her!!!

We can hardly believe how fast the time has flown.
Her room is almost ready, clothes are washed and in her drawers, bedding placed in her crib and the final touch is a mural Graham's sister Jenn is doing in the nursery. The mural is really cool a cherry blossom tree that extends from the corner of the room up and over her crib - blossoms in different shades of pink - of course! Pics to follow when masterpiece is complete!

On June 9th at 12:30 when you are all eating your lunch think of the Polischuk's because we know that is when our lady is 'booked' to join our family! How can we be so percise, a planned c-section!!!! I know that I look like a super beefcake but with my muscle condition we feel like this is the best thing for BOTH of the Polischuk ladies. I was kind of stewing over whether or not to do it this way but apparently they call it labour for a reason (don't worry Addie). Grandma said it wasn't dumb to pray about it - funny how our lady isn't even officially here yet and I was stressing about how to bring her here. Let being a parent begin I guess. As soon as we chose the c-sec route I felt peace and know it is June 9th will be her Birth Day!!!!

I LOVE it that she already looks kinda chubby! They estimated her weight at our ultrasound to be 4lb 13oz which is right where she should be, I am very pleased. They couldn't see much hair so her jar of hair accessories might have to wait (yes I have jar already with various colour bows and headbands)!!! We are so excited to meet her, who knew I could grow a healthy little person, go figure!
We love you all lots! Can't wait to see most of our family at Barb and Brandon's Wedding, we will miss you Yankee family.
Love Graham, Jenny & TBA


PaHa said...

Thanks for all the update on the TBA. We are so glad everything is going good for all the little ones arriving into the family.
Love you all
Great Auntie,and Auntie Nancy

The Hudkins Family said...

Wow! We are excited too. You and the lady look really fine as a beefcake!!

Gramma & Grampa