Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Charley Pride

Last night Grampa & I used our Christmas present. We went to the Jubilee Auditorium to see Charley Pride. It was an outstanding show. He sang all the oldie goldies - the ones you guys remember that were on the tape we had.

His son, Dion Pride, opened the show. He's very good as well. Quite a bit taller and all-round bigger than his dad - his voice is not as deep as Charley's. But then, his dad is very skinny and his voice is still as deep as ever.

He told us that he's been married 51 years - He must have been married at 18 because I Googled him today and read that he was born in 1938. That's one year later than me and he's been married one year longer than I have. It's nice to see entertainers that STAY with their spouses.

He apparently wrote an autobiography. They were selling them after the show but we didn't stick around to get one. It was a full house - lots of grey hair!!

It was quite funny, the old fellow sitting next to me was really down at the mouth at the start when Dion opened and during intermission before Charley came on, but as soon as Charley got on stage the old guy was clapping and bouncing like you wouldn't believe. Must be a really big Pride fan.

Anyway - thanks Garth & Janene for the night out. It was great.

Love to you all,


The Hudkins Family said...

I am only guessing here but it sounds like the old guy next to you at the concert is the same old guy that went with you to the concert and the same young guy you married, RIGHT?

I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.

Love, Brent

The Hudkins Family said...

No, the guy I went with was sitting on my right and was very congenial the whole time. The guy on my left was the one who made the about-face in attitude. In fact, after the show he put his arm around me and with a great big smile he said "Well, you enjoyed that, didn't you." to which I replied - "Yes, but probably not as much as you did!!"

He was an interesting fellow.
