Sunday, May 11, 2008


BIG HUGS to you all!!!

I love reading what our family shares, we are darn lucky to have one another...not every family is like this. We actually like each other!!!

Addie, I am so excited for you and Mike.

So I gave a talk today! I could have easily used my aloted 10-15min discussing my mom but focused mostly on MOTHERING. Each of us will have people in our circle of influence that may not marry or physically be a mother, but as women posses divine qualities that allow (us) to be MOTHERING!! Here are a few of the thoughts I shared:

Sister Ardeth Kapp shared a story of a little boy new to her neighborhood who knocked on her door asking if her children could come out to play. They do not have children and when this was explained to him she says that the boy “squinted his innocent face in a quizzical look and asked the question that she had dared not put into words, “If you are not a mother, then what are you?” A real question. An answer from President David O. Mckay “The noblest aim in life is to strive…to make others lives…happier”. All women are blessed in our divine nature with certain attributes and characteristics of noble womanhood. All women have it in them to influence, nurture and love…this is MOTHERING!

You need not posses children to love them. Loving is not synonymous with possessing, and possessing is not necessarily loving.”

A sister with four young boys shared this thought with me. This is the time to fill my lamp with oil. She said, “Jenny fill it up girl, fill it with lots of oil…your prayers may be answered with four boys and you’ll be glad your used these years to fill yourself up!” I love that thought.

“Therefore, sanctify yourselves that your minds become single to God…for he will unveil his face unto you, and it shall be in his own time, and his own way, and according to his will.” We seek to live according to the will of the Lord.

You guys already know me but most likely know others, just thought I would share. Very, very dad/Uncle Louis came to church today to hear my talk. How great is he?? Dressed up and everything!!

Love you all ~Jenny


The Hudkins Family said...

Awesome, Jenny. You are one of a kind and we (the whole family), if I can speak for them, love you very much. and Yes our family is special because we do actually like (LOVE!) each other and if we offend some one in the family, we forgive each other. I certainly find it easy to forgive family. Happy Mothers day to all the Beautiful women and young ladies in our family.

Love from

Uncle Brent

The Hudkins Family said...

Sounds like a wonderful talk, Jen. I wish I could have heard your talk. I'm proud of you and of your dad for being there for you. He's a lot more special than he thinks!

I always keep your names on the prayer roll at the temple. Sooner or later it WILL work out. I know it.


The Hudkins Family said...

I love those thoughts and quotes Jenny! You are (and I have told you this many times) very special. thank you for sacrificing your time to come down to Edmonton to support Addie!

Love Uncle Garth.