Sunday, May 11, 2008

From Gramma -- Again

Hi Everyone,
I haven't been on the computer for a few days. So fun to see the updates.

It was great to attend the temple with Addie for the first time yesterday. A spiritual experience. Jenny came all the way from McMurray to support her cousin. Very special. Arland & Emma spent the 3 hours changing our neighbourhood. -- and it will never be the same.

They went to bus shelters and wowed the passersby with mimes. Also took some amazing pictures. I am always stunned by their imaginations - now I'm wondering if people know who they belong to (joke!)

Charlene got back from Salt Lake today. She was at a quilting show for the week. Charlene & Sylvia are hard core quilters. We met her 'plane at noon and took her back this evening to go on to McMurray. A nice visit but short.

I haven't been scrapbooking for a few weeks but have finished the 1960's. I have 84 pages double sided - that relates to a LOT of pictures. This week I hope to get some names and a bit of journaling attached to them. Then put them into separate albums. However, I've been asked to do some subbing at the temple so might not get as much done as I'd like to.

I have planted a little balcony garden. Two containers that had pictures in them are now my vegetable garden. They are two plastic bins. I took Dad's electric drill with the largest bit and drilled holes in the bottom, (carpenter Gramma) then tossed empty plastic bottles etc. etc. in the bottom (instead of rocks) for drainage. Don't laugh! That's what the guy at the nursery told me to do!! Then I used SOILLESS Potting Mix. In one container I planted two tomatoes and some onion sets and in the other one I put in lettuce, carrot and beans with a few marigolds around the edges. It will be fun to see if they'll grow. Dad just humours me along. I think he's pretty skeptical but lets me do pretty much what I want. Although every morning he's checking to see how they made out overnight.

I also have some flowers planted. They look really healthy. Not even the tomatoe plants looked shocked when I transplanted them.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Happy Mothers Day to EVERY female in our family. Whether you are a biological mother at this moment or not, each woman and girl has a great influence within our family as only a person of our gender can have. May the Lord bless each of you with your most righteous desires. And many many thanks to all those of the male species who support us in our role. We couldn't do it without you and we love you for it. Thank you for being you.

Love always to everyone,