Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hey all! Hope that this finds everyone well. Things here have been busy non-stop. We've moved out of our apartment and out to Ft. Saskatchewan into Jen and Graham's place for a while....our apartment building and more importantly our suite had BED BUGS!!!! It was pretty disgusting and I felt like a buffet for a few weeks until we figured it out. So slowly we've been making the crossover to their place. We even bunked with gramma and grampa for a few nights, not that it was a bad thing. Who doesn't love made for you breakfasts?!? It sure started off the day =) The really stinky part about it is that we had to garbage our couch, chair and bed. Good thing my sister loves me and thinks Jon is funny or we coulda had to make our new abode with the homeless guys behind our building. Oh well, these things happen!

On a happier and less gross note, Jon got a job doing accounting/finance for a construction company in Sherwood Park for the summer. He works 10 on and 4 off, overtime for the weekend shifts and it's not a crazy commute into the west side anymore. So he is excited/nervous to start this job, but were grateful to be working. (Well I am grateful that he is working...maybe that means I don't need to hehe) I am just getting ready to wrap up the end of the year with my classes and enjoy a hot, bellyful summer. Should be fun, now that we're at Jen's I might invest in a kiddie pool for the backyard...I have no shame! I am also looking forward to relaxing with my sisters this summer and letting Jenny go baby prep crazy for me. =) Thanks Jen!

That about wraps it up for the Bird's. Little helicopter is still growing...she made me gain a heck o' weight this month. (Although I'm sure it wasn't all her...truthfully she doesn't even like the chocolate treats I eat) She is also a very busy little lady what with the crazy kicking and rolling around. It seems like she hates kicking my sides or by my ribs, but give her a bladder and the girl is all about it! =) Jon is able to feel her moving alot more, and also hear me complain about her moving alot more. We're excited to meet her and see who she looks like. Any bets?

Love you guys lots, and we really are a great family! Love The Birds (Jon, Al and Helicopter)


The Hudkins Family said...

I bet your happy to get rid of the bugs. Glad to hear everything is good now. Too bad about the furniture. Looking forward to seeing a baby hinko/bird!!!

Love, Uncle Brent