Saturday, May 17, 2008


So here we are in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, where they say "If you don't like the weather, wait ten minutes." Now this has been the longest winter we've had since we've been here. Having snow in May (that's strange enough, but having it five times, RIDICULOUS).

OK, so Thursday.... 52 degrees, Friday.... 86 degrees, Saturday.... 91 degrees.... go figure.

Anyway everyone here is doing great, we are working on the house every hour possible. It is coming along. Pat just got back from Phoenix (he drove out with his girlfriend). Mat is still in Ellensburg, at University. Cass is still in Colorado doing hockey stuff. Cal had another cooking competition. Kenz just finished a coed indoor soccer game tonight.

Nancy is doing much better, with all the decisions needing to be made for the house. I know she didn't sign up for that!!! Every time I tell her I need to know where something goes or what she wants she says do I have to choose right now. (not much time for contemplation).
Myself, just working and then working at the house. I took Bear with me the last two weekends, he seemed to love it.

Well I hope this note finds everyone well.
Take care and God Bless,

Uncle Troy

P.S. We do have windows in the house now, I know it's not much, but we're excited.


The Hudkins Family said...

The house is looking so good!!! Windows are a big deal and make it look that much more real...good work!
Love ~Jenny

The Hudkins Family said...

Your house looks great! You've done a lot of good work.


The Hudkins Family said...

troy and nancy, I really, really like your house design!

The Hudkins Family said...

Troy & Family
What a great way to keep in touch. I bet you're getting really excited about how close the house is to being finished. What a sense of accomplishment you will ALL have knowing that all of you contributed. Keep up the good work. Love ya.

The Hudkins Family said...

Garth - If the #3 comment was from you, the reason I didn't know about it is because you forgot to sign it.

Remember - your name is Garth E.N. Hudkins.
