Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hello to all from colorado again. the state. Jeanine and I are at one of the rinks for a goalie camp that I help out with and we have internet so we thought we would jump on and say hi to everyone. Jenny I hope you and Grahm have fun at that concert and everything goes good on the road. I know from driving to colorado that the experience of a road trip is fun but sometimes gets a little hard. I just wanna warn you that gas has gone up a little in colorado so i am guessing it would also go up in nashville but what am I saying gas is way more expensive for you in canada so I guess enjoy the cut back while your here. lol.

Everything is going good here for the most part. I am still waiting to start painting with my buddy cameron, and Jeanine is still going through interviews looking for a job. It is a little hard sleeping on the floor of someone elses place but its not bad. We are still looking for an apartment or a house to move into, but that will happen soon enough after we get working. sometime it is hard to be out here on our own by ourselves away from family, but when Jeanine and i sit back and think about it, both of our parents did a good job raising us because we can survive on our own in our own place. (or in a buddies for the time being. lol) well i hope everything is good for everybuddy and we love you all.

love you all,

Cassidy and Jeanine.


The Hudkins Family said...

Sounds like you guys are having fun,
a cool experience to be on your own.

Love You Both


The Hudkins Family said...

How much is gas in Colorado and in Washington now?

How difficult is it to get jobs? Are you just looking for summer jobs or permanent employment?
