Tuesday, May 27, 2008


What's happening here? You guys weren't that quiet when you were growing up! I was forever telling you to play quieter. Do you remember when Garth sounded like a whole army when he played with his little plastic soldiers in a sink full of water? Now we don't hear him on the blog hardly at all - only in comments, it seems. But then, we know it's pretty busy planning a wedding.

So did everyone get a chance to watch the CANADA WIDE STAKE CONFERENCE? We thought it was wonderful.

For all you Americans - last Sunday we had a Canada-Wide Stake Conference. President Monson, Elder Ballard, Elder Snow, Sister Dibb were all in Brampton, Ontario. They spoke to everyone in Canada. We received it via sattelite. It was a wonderful conference. They were all very relaxed and gave great talks. We found out that Sister Dibb, who is a counselor in the Young Womens General Presidency, is President Monson's daughter (apparently the only daughter). She was a teenager when Pres. Monson was Mission President in Toronto. Also, we heard that Elder Ballard was the Mission President in Toronto immediately following Pres. Monson. They were all delighted to be in Canada. You could tell. I hope all you Canadians got a chance to watch them.

Last night at our Empty Nesters Family Home Evening we played some games. Then they gave us the following quiz to do. I'll share it with you because I think it's fun.

See if you can find 16 books of the Bible hidden in this story

I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lulu. Kept people looking so hard for facts. For others, it was a revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the names of the books were not capitalized. But the truth finally struck home to numbers of readers. To others, it was a real job. I want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you. Yes, there will be some really easy ones to spot. Others may require judges to help them. I will quickly admit it usually takes a minister to find one of them, and there will be loud lamentations when it is found. A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. See how well you can complete. Relax now, for there are 16 names of books in the Bible in this story.

O.K. There you have it. See how many of you can find them.

Love you all lots,


The Hudkins Family said...

I don't really have time to do this. I have to get ready for work. but here goes.

remark Mark
jam especially James
revelation Some Revelations
truth Ruth
numbers Numbers
job Job
yes there Esther
she brews Hebrews
judges Judges
lamentations Lamentations
facts Acts
lulu kept Luke
looking so Kings

So 13 out of 16 maybe some one else can find the rest.
Got to get ready for work.


The Hudkins Family said...

Good job Brent I only found twelve.
Didn't write them down though.


P.S. Pretty cool Mom.... Love Ya

The Hudkins Family said...

I actually made one mistake in typing. In the last sentence it should read compete. Relax now -- not complete. The name is peter.

Great job, Brent. You sure did better than I did. See if you can find Titus and Amos.


The Hudkins Family said...

Yah, I see them now. admit it usually is Titus and a most is Amos.
Well I'm just home from night shift. we're part way throught the shutdown working #14 of 18 nights. Getting stressed and tired. At least I'm not working 47. only 30.



Karen said...

Hello Hudkins family! Don't worry, you don't know me, but I was curious if you knew if there was anywhere online that I could watch that stake conference? You see, my sister is currently serving in Brampton, and she told us that if only we'd been in Canada instead of Utah, we could have seen her and two of her investigators in the broadcast. I'll check back on this blog, just post a link if you know where to see it. Thanks much! -Karen Simpson

The Hudkins Family said...

Hi Karen,
I don't know of a link, but I wonder if you called the church 1-800 number (I always get it from the inside of the Ensign or Church news), and ask them if there is a way to get it. I hope you are successful and can watch it. We certainly enjoyed every talk.

Good Luck in your search.

aka Gramma