Sunday, September 27, 2009

Stannix Fall Family Pictures

Hello Everyone! Just thought we'd share some of our family pictures that we took the other day! Everyone is doing awesome! Mike is busy with school and studying. Camilla is growing so fast! She is rolling over now and keeping busy. We love you all lots! Hope to talk to you soon!
Addie, Mike & Camilla

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wedding Pictures!!

Ah, the beautiful ring!
Us getting married.

My new family! I'm a lucky woman.

Is it bad that we are married now, and we still look nervous?

Promise in the future to post a few more. Lots of family to see in these. We love you guys, and we can email more if you want to see them. Love and Regards, Patrick and Heather

No Eye Yet

Sorry to hear that Grampa will have to wait for another time. We hope something comes up soon. We love you all and miss you very much.

Troy and Nancy

False Alarm

Well - Grampa's surgery is off for this week. We received another phone call today to say that the cornea was not available after all. We don't really know why. So - we'll carry on with life and just be grateful when it does come.

Heather - we're looking sure looking forward to those pictures. Thanks for the update.

We had a wonderful day being taught by Elder Kikuchi. He is a very down to earth, humble man with a huge spirit. A great teacher.

Love to everyone,
Gramma & Grampa

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Don't lose hope!

I know everyone has lost hope of the wedding pictures. But I am here to revive that! I just ordered 138 prints, and a fancy schmancy CD to go with. Thank you creators of the internet! Boy was it an ordeal though. Totally worth the monotony. I will be picking them up tomorrow and should have a few posted by nite fall. So keep your eyes peeled. They are the snapshots taken by the Wright family. I still haven't made it into the studio to even glimpse at the professional shots, thanks to Patrick and his hectic work schedule. The man simply works hard. I love that about him. But that means you all will have to wait. I also would love it if anyone else took photos that they could email to me? Especially the photo of the Washington state resident Hudkins family, all sweaty and exhausted in our backyard. I have an amazing photo album that Nancy made for me, and I would love to fill it all up!
Love and Regards, Patrick and Heather

New Date

Just got the call - Thursday at 11:a.m. Good!!



New Date

Just got the call - Thursday at 11:a.m. Good!!




We just got word that they have a cornea available. Grampa will receive it tomorrow! Don't know the time yet. This is very good news.

We were supposed to be in a meeting with Elder Kikuchi. I guess that's been pre-empted!

We are off to work in the temple. Good thing the lady called when she did.

Prayers appreciated.



Last Sunday on our way into church really a nice looking young couple (not married) got out of their car just ahead of us. I observed the young man holding the door for his girlfriend. She glided through like a queen - not even acknowledging him with a smile or thanking him for holding the door. I do have to say that her bad manners kind of ticked me.

It behooves all of us women to show our appreciation to anyone who holds a door for us - whether it be a husband, boyfriend or stranger. That little incident told me lots about the guy and even more about the girl.

This has bothered me for two days now and I just had to vent!


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Our Claim to Fame!

We had a neat surprise last evening. We attended the 6:00 session at the temple. Grampa & I both sat on the back row. We were there really early. Then... just before the session started, in walked Elder Kikuchi! Lots of people must have known he would be there because the session was overflowing.

We didn't get to talk to him or anything but we can say that we attended the temple with him! Very cool!!

Hopefully we'll get to shake his hand when we see him during the time he meets with all the missionaries. We will be in the Wednesday meeting.

Just thought I'd share because I see that lots of people are LOOKING at the blog but no one is writing. We're almost to 3000 LOOKS.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Drawing Nigh

We just came from seeing Grampa's eye specialist. They will be doing 4 cornea's on Thursday, so that makes Grampa #12. Appaently when you get this close, they can call you any time because if they get a cornea and call #1. If they are not around, they'll call the next one on the list etc. etc. He has his pre-op medical done and he is good to go.

The only downside to all this is that when I asked if there were restrictions after the operation like lifting or bending, we were told that he could not vacuum or do dishes for at LEAST 8 YEARS!!.
I guess that means I get to hire a maid.

He will only be off work for maybe a week. In about 3 months he will get tested for new glasses. It won't restrict his driving like we had thought. They will do the right eye this time and he has been put on the waiting list for the left eye. Probably a wait of another year.

Thought I'd update everyone at once.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Run for the Cure

Hi Everyone!

I am registered to be a participant in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation 'Run for the Cure' that is taking place October 4th. I am looking for sponsors and asking for your support but please do not feel obligated. A group of us from the Fire Department formed the team called the 'Fire Flys'. If you would rather not donate online, please give me a call.

I have included the link to the Foundation to make a donation in my name if you choose.



More of the Little Lady

Hey everyone,
I just thought I'd post some more pictures of Camilla as she is growing and changing fast!! She's two months old tomorrow! Crazy!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Newest Kid on the Block

This is what the Hinko girls do on Mat Leave, at home, when they all get together. FOR SHAME!!!

We've got a WALKER!!

Kingston has begun the journey of walking. He is a busy character! Went to lay down for a nap knowing how to crawl and magically woke up from his nap knowing how to walk, what a smartie pants!! Yesterday was his first steps and today he is a madman booking it around. He still has a hard time standing from a sitting or crawling position but once he gets up...LOOK OUT!! Here is a clip to show his mad skills.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy 1st Bird-day!

Noooo, not bed...more party!!
Yep, this is delicious.
Digging into her cake
Kingston and Jacey watching the sparkler candle
The Bird Cake that mommy made
Party Animals getting pumped up...
I am a BIG 1 year old
Playing with my new rings from Gramma Hinko
Daddy and Bird Girl
It is my Bird-day today

Well, Jacey has joined the world of BIG 1 year old's. (Still small though) hehe We had a little family shindig on her birthday, August 21 at our new house. We had gotten posession that day and decided to set up our kitchen table and chairs...and that was it. We ordered pizza and had a Bird Cake that I made for her. It was a fun little party and we really enjoyed it. Jacey received some awesome gifts...thanks all and she enjoyed noshing on her cake and just visiting with everyone. She told me all of this! So here is a little sneak peak at her party..she was a PARTY ANIMAL!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Swimming fun and smiles!

Please excuse my excessive posting but I wanted to share a few things.
The newest additions to the family finally meet...they both look so pumped hey? They had a swimming date which included cousins Kingston and Jacey. Just a shot of the wee ladies working their swim suits.
Pool Party!

The Polischuk family went swimming at our hotel in Banff over the weekend.
It was an unexpected getaway for our anniversary (7 years)/my birthday (no longer counting) a gift from Graham, super fun!

She actually enjoyed the warm water of the mineral pool, the picture might lead you to believe different.

The following pics are to provide proof that Amelia sometimes sheds her serious face aka 'business look' for smiles. She does not provide these easily!

These middle two are my favourties right now!

The other ladies have some great shots too, I really only got a few of the group and then mostly my little woman. I am a bit obsessed with her! ~Jenny

Moments from 3 months ago!

It is amazing how quickly babies change! It was nearly 3 months ago that Amelia joined our family. The photos capturing her at 5 days old are the best investment we've ever made. We just got them from our photographer this week. I've looked at them like a 100 times and they still bring tears to my eyes. She is such a percious little gift from God and we are so grateful that she is part of her family. I hope that we will be able to measure up, be the parents she needs to become who she is meant to be...oh our precious AMELIA ANN. Words can't really capture our love for her!!
I know I posted alot ~ Graham and I are just such fans of her!!
Our first official family photo.

I am in love with her little shoulders.

I still can't believe that she is mine sometimes; I can kiss her, smell her, cuddle her anytime I want....and I do!!

Seriously in love with this pic of her in her Daddy's hands!

Our sweet angel peaceful!

I love how her hands are here, her little fingers...just resting!
This is one of Grandma Hinko's favourites, so flexible.

Small and compact, reminding her of her previous residence I guess.

I seriously dig this pose ~ our precious little lady!

Hope you enjoy! ~Jenny