Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We've got a WALKER!!

Kingston has begun the journey of walking. He is a busy character! Went to lay down for a nap knowing how to crawl and magically woke up from his nap knowing how to walk, what a smartie pants!! Yesterday was his first steps and today he is a madman booking it around. He still has a hard time standing from a sitting or crawling position but once he gets up...LOOK OUT!! Here is a clip to show his mad skills.


The Hudkins Family said...

Boy, he looks so grown up! Will have to learn to keep his fingers out of his mouth or could bite them off when he falls down!!!
Mom xxoo

The Hudkins Family said...

I love when they toddle. He's doing really well. Usually when they start walking they only take 2 or 3 steps before they fall down.

This is an exciting time! Now those rubber arms will reach even further.


The Hudkins Family said...

Well Les look out cause here comes your daily work outs like it or not. Hope your ready for the marathon. Love the video thanks for posting. He is getting so big so fast.
Love Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy