Sunday, September 27, 2009

Stannix Fall Family Pictures

Hello Everyone! Just thought we'd share some of our family pictures that we took the other day! Everyone is doing awesome! Mike is busy with school and studying. Camilla is growing so fast! She is rolling over now and keeping busy. We love you all lots! Hope to talk to you soon!
Addie, Mike & Camilla


Jon and Alyson said...

Ooo the pics are cute. Rolling over Lady?!?...jealous Fav pic is the bare feet, too cute. Love, Bird Fam

The Hudkins Family said...

Your pictures are great! You do a wonderful self-take. What a good looking family. You've picked really nice backgrounds too.

You must have a foot fetish - way cute!

Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Nice family pics you guys! Love the Autumn background and of course Camilla too. (parents are alright as well!)
Auntie Charlene

The Hudkins Family said...

They are all great pics! Camilla is such a cutie! Thanks for sharing!

Auntie Roxanne