Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Last Sunday on our way into church really a nice looking young couple (not married) got out of their car just ahead of us. I observed the young man holding the door for his girlfriend. She glided through like a queen - not even acknowledging him with a smile or thanking him for holding the door. I do have to say that her bad manners kind of ticked me.

It behooves all of us women to show our appreciation to anyone who holds a door for us - whether it be a husband, boyfriend or stranger. That little incident told me lots about the guy and even more about the girl.

This has bothered me for two days now and I just had to vent!



The Hudkins Family said...

I must agree with you. It seems the media puts a lot of stress on woman growing up to be strong and proud, and forget to stress the importance of being thankful and polite. I assume it takes some people by surprise when someone else is so polite, I married a Hudkins boy though, so I am used to it:) Sometimes I feel the urge to rush to a door before him just to return the favor.