Wednesday, September 23, 2009

False Alarm

Well - Grampa's surgery is off for this week. We received another phone call today to say that the cornea was not available after all. We don't really know why. So - we'll carry on with life and just be grateful when it does come.

Heather - we're looking sure looking forward to those pictures. Thanks for the update.

We had a wonderful day being taught by Elder Kikuchi. He is a very down to earth, humble man with a huge spirit. A great teacher.

Love to everyone,
Gramma & Grampa


The Hudkins Family said...

Glad you got to meet Elder Kikuchi after all, but sorry the surgery was postponed. That happened to Jenny twice with her jaw surgery before it finally happened! Hopefully they will put you at the top of the list now.
Luv, Charlene

Jon and Alyson said...

Sorry to hear about the that sounds kinda callous. Grampa, no worries another one will pop up/out soon! hehe Love you lots, glad your session with Elde Kikuchi was great!! Love: The Birds