Thursday, September 10, 2009

Run for the Cure

Hi Everyone!

I am registered to be a participant in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation 'Run for the Cure' that is taking place October 4th. I am looking for sponsors and asking for your support but please do not feel obligated. A group of us from the Fire Department formed the team called the 'Fire Flys'. If you would rather not donate online, please give me a call.

I have included the link to the Foundation to make a donation in my name if you choose.




The Hudkins Family said...

Its a good thing you never asked me to run with you, cuz I wouldn't finish. But I sure can sponsor you mother!!! Go get'em fire flys. Haha

The Hudkins Family said...

Good for you, Roxanne. We will send you a cheque.

Mom & Dad