Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wedding Pictures!!

Ah, the beautiful ring!
Us getting married.

My new family! I'm a lucky woman.

Is it bad that we are married now, and we still look nervous?

Promise in the future to post a few more. Lots of family to see in these. We love you guys, and we can email more if you want to see them. Love and Regards, Patrick and Heather


The Hudkins Family said...

Love the pictures - keep them coming!!!
Auntie Charlene

The Hudkins Family said...

we really love seeing the pictures you two look great together! I am excited about coming down their for another visit.

love garth janene and family

The Hudkins Family said...

Hey! How did two comments get ahead of Gramma??

You are a good looking couple. We look forward to seeing more pictures.

Love you,
Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Love the pictures Heather, can't wait to see the rest.

Love ya
Mom and Dad
AKA Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy

Jon and Alyson said...

The pics are great guys!! Love the ring idea, classic! Hope to see some more. Love , The Birds

The Hudkins Family said...

Great pictures you guys! Can't wait to come visit!
Addie, Mike&Cami