Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy 1st Bird-day!

Noooo, not bed...more party!!
Yep, this is delicious.
Digging into her cake
Kingston and Jacey watching the sparkler candle
The Bird Cake that mommy made
Party Animals getting pumped up...
I am a BIG 1 year old
Playing with my new rings from Gramma Hinko
Daddy and Bird Girl
It is my Bird-day today

Well, Jacey has joined the world of BIG 1 year old's. (Still small though) hehe We had a little family shindig on her birthday, August 21 at our new house. We had gotten posession that day and decided to set up our kitchen table and chairs...and that was it. We ordered pizza and had a Bird Cake that I made for her. It was a fun little party and we really enjoyed it. Jacey received some awesome gifts...thanks all and she enjoyed noshing on her cake and just visiting with everyone. She told me all of this! So here is a little sneak peak at her party..she was a PARTY ANIMAL!!!


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks for sharing the special Bird day with us. Love all the pics. Happy bird day Jacey and congrads on the new home and all the adventures and parties to come.
Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

I can't believe she is one year old already!!!
Love, Mom xoxo (Gramma Hinko)

The Hudkins Family said...

A really sweet one year old.
The cake was great, Alyson. Good job. I think you're hired for all the fancy cakes in the family now.

We love your home.

Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

It's hard to believe that she is 1 year old already! The pics are great!

Auntie Roxanne