Thursday, October 1, 2009


Just letting everyone know that today is Louis' birthday and it is a big one! He is 50 years old which is the equivalent of half of a century. Does that mean he is now officially middle aged?
He's just as cute as the day I married him. There's just a little more to love (and a little less hair on the top of his head and the beard is mostly grey now) But other than that he is doing well and enjoying being a Grampa!!!


The Hudkins Family said...

Happy Happy Birthday Louis. Wish we could be there to celebrate with you. Hope you have a great day.

Age is only a number.

Love Always
Auntie Nancy and Uncle Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

Happy Birthday, Louis. You're holding up pretty good for an old guy!!

Love you lots,
Gramma & Grampa
--- And you'll be married 30 years in just a few more days. Now you can truly say that you've been married OVER HALF of your life!
Congratulations to you and Charlene.

Jon and Alyson said...

Aww Dad, the big 50! Glad you're our dad and the little peoples grampa. You do a great job at both!! Love you lots, Bird Fam