Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Nativity Video

Brandon and Barb 2012 Family Pictures

It has been a little while since our last family pictures. We are exited that we finally had the opportunity to have them done last weekend.

Season Greeting and a Happy New Year from all of us! 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


We wish you all a very wonderful Christmas as you celebrate the birth of our Saviour.  What an amazing thing He did for us to come to this earth to be an example and show us how we should live our lives and then to make it possible through His atonement that we can one day return to live with Him.

We thank Graham and Jenny for hosting a great day.  I know the road hockey guys enjoyed their time.  For us, besides the wonderful food, the highlight had to be the little people performing the nativity.  Let me tell you a little bit about it:

Narrator - Great Grampa
Mary - Jacey,
Joseph - Hyrum,
Baby Jesus - Our new baby, Joseph Allen (1 month old),
Angel - Stella,
Shepherd - Kingston,
Wisemen - Camilla, Amelia, Jenny,
Donkey - Leslie

It went like this:
Mary sat sedately looking over Baby Jesus who was perfect in his sleeping repose on the soft pillow.  Joseph stood by her side.  The shepherd flitted all over the countryside presumably looking for the lost sheep.  The angel quietly did her own thing.  The wise(ladies) came along nicely after what would have been a spill of frankincense and finding the lid for it.  The donkey sat at the corner of the stable completely in awe of the fact that he had carried the woman who carried the King.

We LOVED this short program.  Addie videod it.  Hopefully you will all get a chance to view it.  Too fun.  We are already looking forward to next year when everyone will be one year older. 

We so love all of our family,
Merry Christmas
Gramma & Grampa

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

All are welcome to join us for some
 Christmas Eve Street Hockey
If you around Edmonton for the holidays and are up for a little street hockey on Christmas Eve Day come on out to Fort Saskatchewan, we would love to see you.  If you aren't up for playing but would just like to visit, that is cool too.  We will have chili/soup on the go and endless hot chocolate.
Give us shout or a quick msg so we know to expect you.
Jenny & Graham
gcell 780-850-2979
jcell 780-340-2979
25 Greenfield Bend,  Fort Saskatchewan
Merry Christmas &
Much Love
from the Polischuks

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Thank you for a wonderful birthday party.  I didn't know that 75 could be so much fun!

Thanks to Grampa and Jenny and whoever else helped in any way.  Jenny asked me today "Gramma, did you feel so special?"  Yes - I did.  She then asked what I enjoyed the most.  For me, it is always so much fun to have everyone together.  I love to see all our family enjoying one another.  That is the most rewarding thing in the whole world. 

I appreciate all who came out and especially those who travelled long distances.  I am overwhelmed. I also know that there were others who would have loved to be in attendance but were unable to because of work and other obligations.  Please know that we were thinking of you. 

I enjoyed Troy's Happy Birthday song by e-mail.  I don't know how you do that, but it was great.  Thanks much.  I look forward to seeing all the pictures.

Love you all,

Friday, November 2, 2012

Going Solo (Sort of)

Brent said I had to try a second picture by myself so here goes:

This is a picture of our crew at Ariana's Birthday Party.  A pretty handsome crew I'd say.


Happy Halloween

I miss having children come to our door for Halloween but we DID have one person ring our buzzer and say "Trick or Treat".  It was our home teacher.  Here is what he brought us.

These are the cutest Owl Cupcakes.  The eyes are made from Oreo cookies with Jelly Beans.  The horns are from the wafer that was removed to expose the white center.  So cute!

So -- how do you like this old lady posting a picture?  Brent is sitting right here beside me to walk me through it.  I wonder if I can remember how to do it again.

Love you all,

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Finally Home

Here is an Easton update

Easton basking under the lights

Snooze time

 Proud Grandma

Easton came home with his mom and dad on Tuesday, Easton is doing well.
He is the cutest little fellow, very content and quiet.
We are glad he is home now.

Love Troy and Nancy

Friday, October 26, 2012

Ballerina Dreams

Jacey and Amelia have become ballerinas, so darling right?! 
They just started a ballet class together and it is sooooo sweet.  The program is called Ballerina Dreams and is run through the Cerebral Palsy Association.  The program is so great in that each student receives a personal mentor to assist with movement.  It is super cool!!!   The group is diverse and beautiful.  Mia's mentor is named Tia... my girl loves HER ran up when we got to class last week and gave a big hug kind of love!  Goodness they look so cute in their outfits.  They even have a recital before Christmas. 
Miss Stella wanted in on the dancing action too.
 Sure do love these girls!!

(Mom said I should share these pics, enjoy!)
~ Jenny

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Easton update:
Today he came off of his i.v.'s ....still on cpap breathing machine and feeding tube. He is eating mommy milk and out of his incubator! So big steps forward but probably a good 7-10 more days in n.i.c.u. if all keeps going good. He is a feisty little all his nurses a hard time :) Definitely our child!
 The update was from yesterday....this is the pic from cpap but still have the feeding tub....... making progress

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mom and Dad
Getting to Hold Easton
for the first time

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hello Family,

At last, I'm going to be a blogger by posting something to this great site. I've enjoyed so many items that all of you have submitted. What a happening family!!!

Welcome Easton!  We are praying for you!!

I was sending this special list of things for preparedness for Janene but thought perhaps more would enjoy it.  I've made the soap but haven't tested it yet.  It only takes about 2 tablespoons for a load of laundry.  The toilet was going on a hunting trip with Scott this fall as a back-up.  Fortunately, it is still unused.  But I'm sure it will be broken in sometime in the future.  The manual washer is pretty cool.  I'm sure the plunger will be more effective washing clothes than unplugging a toilet!  Let's hope that we don't ever have to use these items but it is comforting to know that we have portable washers and toilets and can even make our own detergent.  Enjoy!

Auntie Sylvia

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Easton Update
Sun Oct 21/2012

Baby Update:
I just want to first start off by saying we are blessed to have such great nurses and doctors in N.I.C.U. at Tacoma General. You see it on the movies and T.V. the bond between families of the babies and the nurses/doctors but to actually now be our daily life of being a N.I.C.U. family, we are so gracious for their expertise and nurturing love they are giving our baby. Not many people will ever feel the hollowness of giving birth and not be able to hold or bring home their baby with them but to instead leave your child in the hands of "strangers", is not easy. But now that these "strangers" know us by our first names, have us on speed dial and have become a part of our family in such a short time, I can breath and know at the end of the day when we leave the N.I.C.U. to go home and rest.... our baby is in wonderful hands.
Last night Easton's oxygen levels came way down and they decided to put him back on the ventilator, a breathing t
ube down his throat to go along with his feeding tube and i.v. Through out today, he did stay stable and was able to be calm with some sedation on and off as well. The high light of the day was when we were changing his fluids with the nurse, Easton looked over at us and opened his eyes for the first time since he was born! That was our sign our little one knew we were there and was telling us to be strong! My tears were pouring out! We left late this evening with the goal to have him off the ventilator tomorrow to give his lungs another try on their own. The doctor also said he would probably be doing a couple days of "sun tanning" due to his jaundice. His nurse Megan says he looks very festive with his orangey/red skin to go along with halloween! Our lil' punkin! So until tomorrow, we hope his O2 levels stay stable over night. Thanks to everyone for all their thoughts and prayers!
Easton Up date

We need all of our families strength and prayer.
Here are actual up dates from Pat and Katie
Baby seems to be rallying but has had more problems

Update last night
Easton update.....staying stable in his little incubator...breathing thru his first mommy milk feeding thru his feeding keeping strong and eating. Had to be sedated after we left to calm him down to keep his O2 levels stable. Now he is contently sleeping. Mommy and daddy are happy but exhausted! Loves to our sweet Easton!
Up date this morning
Later that night at 1:45 am Easton wasn't doing that well and they intubated  him again and sedated him. Grandma and I were wondering if we could have a family fast for Easton we could with all our prayers help him along

Love Always Auntie Nancy & Uncle Troy 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Easton Spencer Hudkins
5Lbs 12oz 18inches
Arrived at 5:35am Oct 18, 
@ 34 weeks

Patrick and Katie would like to share the early arrival of there son Easton.

Easton arrived in the early hours then was taken to Tacoma General several hours later where they have a n.i.c.u. Mom had to stay behind and should be released today some time. Patrick took the hour drive and stayed with Easton. As Easton has arrived so early his lungs were not quite ready so he was in need of some assistants breathing. They have him hooked up in order to help him breath and eat.
Here are a few pictures we would like to share.
I am sure when able to Patrick and Katie will post themselves, as for now grandma and pa get to share!
Love Auntie Nancy & Uncle Troy

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cartwright Fam Pics

For the enjoyment of grandparents and great grandparents :)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Missionary work going forward!

Janene and I are currently in Salt Lake City and were fortunate enough to have tickets for the Saturday morning session. It was coool to hear our Prophet anounce that the age for Young men to serve is now 18yrs and Young women is now 19yrs. Janene leaned over to me and said, "Wow Arland would be home by now had he left at 18"!

The second session we did not have tickets for but we were able to watch it from the old Tabernacle. we sat in the bleachers and watched on the big screen TV. It was pretty cool, wooden benches and a bit hard on the butt, still a pleasure to be there to watch!

Love you all,
Garth and Janene

Friday, October 5, 2012

To Brighten Your Day...

Everyone needs a good belly laugh every now and then!
Charlene xo

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Kids Forever Quilt

This is a quilt that my momma (Charlene) made for the organization KIDS FOREVER.  They are the group that adopted Jacey last year as a child they would help support.  Each child that they adopt will receive a handmade quilt, so my mom donated this one.  They started out with one child a year and later this month at their annual event they will adopt seventeen!!!!!  They will be helping seventeen children acquire services, equipment or support that would otherwise have been a challenge for their families to attain.  Amazing right?!
 It is in part, because of their generous donation that Jacey is at camp again right now!  What they do is beautiful and Christlike!  THERE IS CERTAINLY GOOD IN THE WORLD and this group is evidence of that.
Hugs ~ Jenny

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Yesterday evening we had the privelege of watching the General Relief Society Meeting up at the church.  I was worried that I would fall asleep as I had spent all day at a class at the quilt shop learning how to make a double wedding ring and was exhausted, but I'm so glad I went as it was very inspiring! Each of the talks seemed to be just what I needed to hear but the thing that stands out most to me was right near the beginning when Sister Linda Burton, our new General Relief Society President, spoke about the atonement.  She said that through the atonement everything that is unjust will be made right.  I had never heard it explained in that particular way before.  I also loved hearing from Henry B. Eyering as he is one of my favorites. It was interesting to me how all of the new presidency's talks seemed to be so well coordinated and I thought they must be a very cohesive unit already in the short time since they have been called. If you would like to watch it, go to Today in our ward, Uncle Brent and Auntie Rocky assisted in a joint R.S./Priesthood meeting which was focused on the new Addictions Recovery Program.  For those that don't know, they are serving in that capacity right now.  It sounds very interesting!  I was glad to get the book to read.  They did a great job! All for now.  Love to everyone! 
Auntie Charlene xxxooo

Ability Camp - Week 4

Oh Week number four, you were my Everest!!! This was probably the hardest week here for me. The people I am here with are amazing and truly some of the sweetest people to meet. I am grateful for all their help with Jacey, my dishes, my sick whining, my throw my child at them to run and barf, my blah sick self. THANKS!!!

After my teary goodbye to Gramma and my dad, we busted into week number 4. Jacey had been kind of sniffly and sneezy and I was getting concerned she was getting sick. So I loaded up on some type of organic-y cold medicine for kids which really helped her. I on the other hand was a different case. I started the day after her and was runny nosed, sneezy and a bit coughy. When I get sick, I turn into this sore, mushy baby-esque version of myself. I felt terrible, not to mention still icky pregnant. Needless to say it was a looooong week in the sick department. Everyone here was so sweet, would grab dishes for me, and help with Jacey as much as possible. Sooo very much cared for.

Jacey was a trooper and still went to class and chamber which I wasn't sure she would be ok to do but rocked it as per usual. She was also a class A potty girl. TMI ALERT: She deuced every day in class on the potty and also did either 2 or 3 pee's. PAROUD MOM ALERT!!! She just rocked it, and even though she had some accidents here and there, more in the pots than out which to me screams success. Plus she totally recognized when she did do it in her pants. Sooo I am gonna go ahead and say she rocks the pot. Her walking has really improved. The conductor is having me work on being in front of her rather than behind guiding her hips. She is pretty wobbly and needs constant reminders to step and push her walker, but it is developing and it is so so cool to see her do it. I am beyond excited to think that one day this kid is just going to take off and walk. Her fine motor is also doing much better, she is grasping things more appropriately and working to manipulate them better. Loving it. She is still as nosy as ever, constantly needing to be reminded to "look where she is going instead of where she's been", "quit watching others and get to work", "focus, focus, focus!" hehe I love that about her, although sometimes it makes me want to poke her in the eye.

We had fun as a group this week, cooking together and doing some play dates. We made pom pom's for all the kids to help cheer on the two adults in the stroke program when they did their walking. It was really cute, and the kids loved to cheer for them. Aek and Ruthie were excited to have a cheering squad, even though most of the cheerleaders were trying to eat their pom pom's. Saturday we went to pick up Nanny Bird. We were so excited and talked about it all day. When the time came....Jacey scream cried and clung to my shoulder. It was a bit of a sad reunion, but after a few minutes she got used to the idea that Nanny was here at camp. So they became fast friends and now I am dead to her. Yup, she is all about her nanny....although she can't quite figure out where her Poppy is as they are usually a package deal. Hehe

Getting excited to be done this week and head to Newfoundland. Excited to see family and reconnect...then off to see my hubby. Oh how I miss that guy. Love him and am proud of him letting us go for another long spell. He tells me he misses his ladies often. Thank goodness for Skype. Anyways that is all that is new, glad to have nanny and company, excited to be done. Love you all, Alyson and Jacey

Monday, September 24, 2012

Ability Camp - Week 3 under the belt!!!

Well we are now past the half way mark for camp being done. On a different note, I am only EXACTLY one half of the way away from being at home. Jon's mom and I along with Jacey (cause she is mostly the one people want to see) are going back to Newfoundland for a week after camp. We are excited, and by we, I mean me b/c let's face it...Jacey doesn't even know!!! Anyways back to being over half done camp. HURRAY!!!!!

We had a fun, eventful, visitors welcome kinda week. Jacey got into the groove right on Monday morning and worked hard. She earned all of her stickers and is now one of the top potty kids in her class. I love looking at her potty chart and seeing the rows of stickers and know she has great potty skills. (They probably come from me!) We were super, super excited to have Great Gramma Hinko and Grampa Hinko come to visit this week too. It was not a super long visit, but great to have some new blood in this joint and some help for this mama. I am still friends with the toilet in the mornings and sometimes afternoons....I curse morning sickness! (In a YEAH I am grateful for a baby out of it at the end, but will this ever end kind of way)

So we picked up our guests and brought them back to camp, it was late Wednesday night but they were able to meet most of our housemates. (If I didn't look around and remind myself where I am, the housemates comment would seem almost Jersey Shore or Real is not) Jacey woke up super early on Thursday and the first word out of her mouth was "Papa". It was like she wondered if it was real or a dream. She called out for him and we had to make our way down the hall to find him. Sorry Gramma, I love you but you were definitely second fiddle to the Grampa this week. hehe We had some breakfast and they came to our room to watch some stretches and morning prep. We also had individuals today and they were able to come into class and observe her work. She worked so well for me and really was trying to impress Grampa with her soccerball kicking skills. (Probably not from me) We had some lunch and Grampa went into the dive for the afternoon, he was sure nervouse, but did fantastic! The other moms really helped him, he began to call it "The Hole". I was proud of him and really glad he could give the other moms a break who were helping me take Jacey in. We did some driving around in the evening and killed some time sightseeing all the little farms and cute houses in the area. Also did a drive down by the lake to see the water, some really great waves. The next day was a more veg day. Gramma and I baked like 10 dozen cookies (which were ALL eaten by like 8 o'clock that night.) People around here love homemade baking or anything "homey". Grampa did another dive and we made our way around again scouting out some other drives. We were in time to have a pizza party with the whole house. There was a sweet adult here from Jersey who threw the pizza party for the crowd because it was his second last night and he wanted to get together with everyone and visit. It was awesome! Everyone really enjoyed the food and the company was great. I think that Grampa and Great Gramma really got to see the community of special families at work and feel the sweet spirit that accompanies each. One of the adults who was leaving even teared up and said that he just could not believe that love and dedication in each family. Watching everyone work together and care for each other here. It was just a really great night. Saturday was a kinda more boring day. Two dives, and I was not sure both would happen for Grampa, but he did it and did great. We headed out for supper that night to a roadhouse grill and it was sure tasty. Sunday was a nice break day. We decided to skip dives and take our time touring down here up to Belleville so that Grampa and Great Gramma could get some sights in. We toured around Bloomfiled and Wellington and saw the big houses on the water, visited a winery for them, got some great pics of farmers fields, pumpkin fields and dairies. It was sure nice. Topped off with lunch at Montana's before they caught their train. There may or may not have been two teary phone calls to my hubby and sister/mom. (Ok there was TOTALLY teary calls) I was sick, Jacey was getting a cold and my only help left me. I was kinda a mess yesterday. BUT we got home had some supper, dessert and hit the sack early. OH WAIT, only Jacey hit the sack early. The other moms here had prepared an Emmy Party as the Emmy awards were one last night. It was sooo what I needed. We all got in pj's, cooked up some appe's and snacks and got drinks and vegged out in front of the tv to watch the awards. Such a needed veg night. I loved it and am excited to have another mommy night tonight to see Dancing with the Stars. (Which I have never followed before but some other mommies have and are really excited....and let's face it, what else will I do?!?)

So that is our week wrapped up. Only like 5ish days until Nanny Bird comes and I am excited to really take it easy then...get ready Nanny!!! Then off to Newfieland and some family...and then my sweet hubby. Can't wait to see him! Thanks again for all the love and support guys. - Love Alyson and Jacey

Sunday, September 23, 2012

It is Alright

Saturday, September 22, 2012

 Can you recognize this person? We were picking apples from our neighbours apple tree.

If you guessed Emma then you were right!
Poor girl was holding my ladder at one poin,t and happened to look up just as a large apple let go and smacked her right above her nose on the forehead.
We all got a lot of laughs out of that one. (after we revived Emma that is!)
What beautiful fall weather we have been having!
Love you all,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jacey at Camp Week 2 Finito!!!

Well another week has passed at good ol' ability camp. Not a crazy week but a busy week none the less. Leslie headed home on Saturday night and enjoyed a night in Toronto all by herself to veg out after hanging with us two crazy girls for a week. Jacey and I were all by ourselves. Poor kid, me being sick has made for not the most patient. And adding in her CARAZY 5:30 wake ups has made me contemplate some serious eye poking...alas I haven't and won't but I have put serious thought into it.

Jacey is doing really well in class. Working hard, and really having fun with her little friends. She is especially close to another girl, Kaley, who was with us in our very first session in April. Kaley adores Jacey and is constantly trying to "baby" her. I am unsure if it is because Jacey crawls lots, or her bibs or what but she is often trying to have her back up onto her lap or petting her hair and back. She also is an adamant remover of objects from Jacey's mouth. She is from a french family and is often telling Jacey, " Non Bouche!", which means, not in your mouth. hehe It is hilarious and I am hoping maybe another language will help Jacey understand that it is not ok. They do EVERYTHING together, eat, play, watch shows together and Kaley's mom is helping by doing our dives with Jacey for me. So she rocks and Kaley even in there is trying to adjust Jacey's hood and things to make sure she is comfortable hehe. So fun for Jacey to have a friend, it gives me hope that school will not be so hard and that she will attract some little friends.

There are three moms who are rotating cooking so that we can have a break every couple days and it is working out lovely. I love that the smells in the kitchen aren't a constant iffy matter for me. Also the fun, different meals are great! Jacey has never been so adventurous with her meals, so proud! I have also been able to make sure I get some sleep in`s going on. Once Jacey is in class and I don`t need to be in for the day I head back to bed for another couple hours and it helps to calm my tummy. I am really enjoying these little times which allow me to "pamper" myself at ability camp. (For those who know what ability camp looks like, you would not believe the pamper comment) hehe For the love, this place is a beaut!

This weekend the mommies decided that no one wanted to cook and we needed to get outta here before we all went stir crazy in the second week. Sooo there was a tiny little fair in town. When I mean tiny, I mean tiny. There are probably like 100 people in Milford and so the fair had a little petting zoo of 5-6 animals, a farmers market-esque table set up where people sold goods, some live music and a couple snack trucks. Another awesome feature was a fake cow complete with an udder and bucket. You could milk a holstein cow and it shot out into the bucket and you got a sticker that read "I milked a cow". Yup, country or what?!? So funny. It was a fun 40 minutes of time killing and then we headed into town and got some food at a diner and it was a nice day. The kids enjoyed getting out and the mom's enjoyed being away from camp. The next day a few of us moms ventured out to a place called Little Bluff, a cute little rocky shore near the water. We packed a picnic and headed out at the insistance of one mom. She had been there before and was telling us how great it was. We got there and she had neglected to tell us that there was a hike of death! No joke, a steep, rocky, no stroller, Alyson wearing terrible flip flop death trap. The other mom is shorter and tinier than I am and has a little man who outweighs Jacey by 2. Soooo we both hummed and hawed about going down this trail to the water. The other mom was like "no worries I can carry them all, no problem." It was a problem. Anyways so we both took a deep breath and headed down, and no one died. It was really pretty and the kids loved throwing rocks in the water. The hike back up was deadly and I had to warn everyone that although I was not a smoker, I would develop a smoker's breathing for like 5 minutes and to not be alarmed!! hehe Anyways, we all lived and the kids had fun.

That wraps up our lovely second week. We are flying through it, I think the fact that it is not a ten weeker has really made it speed by. We love you all and appreciate all the thoughts and prayers for us. Take care and know that we miss you. - Alyson and Jacey

Friday, September 14, 2012

Lost Jacket

I have lost a white velour jacket - I believe at Kouper and Jacey's swim party.  If any of you found such a jacket in your vehicle and are wondering where in the world it belongs, it's probably mine.  It is white velour with a front zipper and has some white on white design on each side of the front.  We left the room so quickly that I missed picking it up. 

I guess you don't have to be a little kid to lose a piece of clothing. 

Thanks for checking.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Ability Camp - Round 3 for Jacey

Well for those of you who know, we headed back to Jacey's Ability Camp this past week. We saw such improvement from the 10 week stint we did in April - June that we knew we were going to head back. We just didn't think it would be this soon! The camp was offering free hyperbaric sessions with September camp (we found out about 2.5 weeks before it was to start). Soooo Jon and I hummed and hawed and thought about it. Could we be prepared in less than 3 weeks? What about her GRIT and preschool and Edmonton Conductive Education? What about Jon in school and unable to come? Is there any other family who would come so soon to help me? All of these crazy questions....but here we are and things have worked out great.

Although in true Bird organizational fashion we found out that I could not participate myself in the hyperbaric sessions, as WE ARE EXPECTING ANOTHER TINY BIRD!!!! This is super exciting, terrifying and nausea inducing. Jon and I had decided after the last camp that perhaps adding another littler person to our brood would be a good thing. I felt like with Jacey progressing so much and starting school and things that I would not lose my mind completely. Aaaand BOOM another baby in the making! However, that meant I could not do hyperbarics, so with the sweetness of the family who are visiting and some great friends who are at camp with thier kids, Jacey will hopefully get all of her dives!

As for Miss Bird's week. My little sister Leslie came with me and helped get organized. Jacey thought is was great having Auntie Leslie around to play with and help her. I have been quite sick (super fun) and so Leslie did an awful lot for me while she was here. The flight and drive were long as usual but there were smiles when we got in the door and worked on organizing our room and seeing our old friends. I was worried that the next morning Jacey would freak out at seeing Kriztina but she pushed poor Leslie out of the way to get to her. There were happy shreiks, many blown kisses and reaching for her instructor. (Whewph for the no tears!!) So she has been a rock star walking in to class and working hard with her equipment and things. I am so proud of her and how well she has adjusted. She is eating like a champ and sleeping through the hyperbarics with her friend. However, I would love it if she would be less punk-ish and sleep in a bit more. 6 am comes stinking early, and class doesn't begin until 8:30. Ugh!!!

I am feeling ok. Sick off and on throughout the day. Some are better than others, but being so communal is tricky. Many smells, the bathrooms are not your own to be sick in (THE WORST PART) and of course working with Jacey is hard work anyways when you feel good never mind all yucky! So it is a fun thing for sure. Makes me grateful for all the help coming. Leslie was here the first week and then my dad and Gramma Hinko are coming for about 5 days in a week and a half and then Jon's mom will come for a week at the end. So I am only alone for a bout 2.5 weeks which is do-able. We are then heading to Newfoundland for a week to visit family. Excited to see them but hard to be away from Jon for another week. We'll see how things all go!

Anyways Bird girl will be done a dive in a few minutes so I should go and check on supper and her. Sweet Thai Chili Chicken in the slow cooker....mmmmm..or ugh....I guess we will see! Love you all and miss you! Love- Jacey and Alyson

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fishing trip Fort McMurray

Emma and I recently took a trip up to Fort McMurray to visit with Uncle Brent and Auntie Rocky. What great hosts they were, Emma and I had a great time! Emma was able to catch her first fish ever with Uncle Brent showing her the ropes. Uncle Brent has become very good at teaching first time fisherman how and where to find the BIG ONES!!

This is Brent with his big catch of the day a big beautiful walleye!
Love his Air Boat! It's sure fun to drive!
This was Emma's big catch of the day, an 11pound Northern Pike!
This is what the Pike looked like when it was hungry 
There is a story behind this lure. This is my favourite hook for catching Walleye. I used to use it all the time when I was growing up. I introduced this lure to Brent last year and since then he uses it to catch his large Walleye.
I was fishing with this lure for about an hour with absolutely no luck and decided to change it out for another hook. At the same time Brent decided to use it, funny thing was that on his second cast (same place I was casting for the past hour), he brought in the largest walleye of the season.
It was great to spend time with Brent and Roxanne.
Love you all, Garth

Some pictures to share with the family