Friday, October 30, 2009

Troy, Jenny & Grandma and Everyone Else

Troy and Jenny here are the pictures of my Pumpkins and Halloween stuff you requested. Troy thanks for helping me cut them(Uncle is a great craftier)Jenny here are some ideas for RS (and any one else). Grandma here is our blog for you. I will try to be on more often again.

Halloween ideas

Brothers playing hockey on the same team. They have alot of fun together. The lovely supportive wife's who spend alot of time freezing and watching. Love You All.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lethbridge or Bust

Well I am getting settled into my new job in Lethbridge, Alberta..... Yes.... it is not a typing error.

I don't have a contact phone number at this time, I can't have a phone on me at work anyway.

If anyone needs to contact me they can e-mail me and I will get back to them.

Love Everyone,

Uncle Troy

Mike Got a Job!

Hey Family!
I thought since it's been ALMOST TEN DAYS since anyone has posted anything that I would make a post. We have some great news! Mike got his first Co-op position at a company called KPMG. He starts his first term in January and it will last for 8 months and then back to school. He had to go pick up his job offer package at the U of A and inside was a few papers and a Dr Suess book AND a laptop bag for his laptop that he receives from accepting the offer.
Love you all! Talk to ya soon!
Addie & family

The package!

This was Camilla's first bubble bath. She loves her baths soo much! It's a blast!

We thought this was adorable and were glad we captured it on film. Camilla is grabbing her ear and pulling it while she sucks her thumb. Totally cute.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Happy 52 Anniversary!!!
I can always remember because it's the same month as mine and just add 2 to my birthday.
Did you ever think when you added 4 little babies to your family that you would end up with such a prolific number of grandkids and great-grandkids? Hope you take a day off the usual Monday morning vacuuming routine and do something else more fun together! Anyways, have a good day and a great year!
Luv, Charlene xxoo

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Gotta Getta Maid

Yup - I need a maid!

Yesterday we had Grampa to the doctor. He checked the eye and said it was looking good and that Grampa could now carry on as normal - he could go jogging and do whatever he wants. Only two stipulations. No dishes for 8 years and no vacuuming for 12 years!! Yup - I need a maid.

Love you all,

PS: Grampa's doing great. His eye feels a bit scratchy. Grampa thought it was from the stitch, but the Dr. says no - it is from the incision. Hopefully that discomfort will disappear soon.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hinko Family Pics!!!

So my disclaimer is that: Aylson and her family are in Newfoundland....Mom, Dad & Mikel are in McMurray....Leslie and I are Edmontonish....and I couldn't decide on my favs to show them! So please have patience as the Hinko's self indulge in recent family pics. Jenny has the disc and no one else has seen any pictures yet! Thanks extended family!!!!

So here are a few, yes only a few of the highlights! Mom now you have some recent pictures of your clan and the rest of the Hinko's don't you wish you were a little nicer to me about the location???!!! ~Jenny

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The wee Polischuk lady!

Hard to believe but little Amelia was 4 months old on Saturday!! She is changing lots, holding up her head and reaching for her toys! She also had her first taste of cereal this week, exciting (her ped doc said we could). Our lady is so much fun, we captured her laugh on video the other day so will try to figure out how to post it.
We LOVE her and ENJOY her sooooo much!
Jacey and Kingston at our 'Rhyme and Storytime' group!

Yum, yum in her tum!

The wee lady and her smile!

4 month Bear comparison pic!

Amelia's first Oilers game!
Oilers community event, Amelia working the onesie and learning from her Dad!
Driving the Zamboni...check out her signed onesie!
Life is good!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Love Those Table Games

I have discovered that I have MORE THAN ONE grandson-in-law who is very competitive when playing table games.

I must remember NOT to sit next to him!!!

Love you,

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Grampa's Home!

Here is the update:

We brought Grampa home about an hour ago. I think he's very happy to be here.

The Dr. is pleased with how his eye looks. Doctor said he was glad they did the second procedure last night to make it perfect. Now he just has to recuperate. No lifting or bending or straining for a while (and, of course, no dishes for EIGHT YEARS!). He sees the doc in a week. He has two types of drops that are administered four times per day. The Dr. said that his vision would get clearer and clearer as each hour progresses and in two weeks it should be really good. We, of course, have some things to watch for and to be concerned about if they happen.

Grampa says that his main concern is to be able to see Spider Solitaire.

The vomiting he had last evening was because an air pocket got stuck and was causing pressure and pain. That is why they had to do another procedure called irrigation.

He is now on the mend. The worst is behind him. No place to go but up.
I HEAR him sleeping all the way from the bedroom right now. That is good!!

Thanks for all your prayers.

Love to everyone,

Friday, October 9, 2009


This is to let you know that Grampa had his surgery. He got back to the room about 2:00 pm. The surgery went fine, but he had to lay flat on his back without moving his head in any direction for 6 hours.

He sent me home about 4:00 pm. Brent & Roxanne have gone back up and he is pretty sick with a headache, and is throwing up. They've given him so anti-nausea stuff that he is right out of it, but still throwing up.

Need your prayers.

I think I will go back and sit with him overnight.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

An Eye for an Eye

Well, we got another call today and Grampa is to have his cornea transplant tomorrow. He needs to be in the hospital at 11:00 a.m.

We are grateful for this opportunity and especially to the donor and are thinking of the donor's family. We pray for the Lord wrap His comforting arms around them during this sad time.

Grampa is looking forward to having this behind him, but of course, it is pretty stressful at the same time.

Prayers appreciated.

Love you all,

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Don't Stop the Baby Pictures!!

I just want to make it clear that just because I asked for pictures of the other great grandkids doesn't mean I don't want more baby pictures too.

Please keep us updated because those little tykes change every single day and we love to see the pictures and videos, hear about the cute things they are doing and the fun you are all having. In other words, EVERYBODY please keep us updated.

Love you all so very much,

A Testimony

Here is a fun video to watch. I sure do love all 8 of my grandchildren.

I also enjoyed Elder Jeffery Hollands talk. When asked about proof of wether the Book of Mormon is truth and translated by the power of God, I quite often say that it would make no sense that a man would make up a religion to get gain and dupe so many others to believe it is true and then die before he is able to enjoy his earthly "riches" (although he never had much) but also get his brother killed alongside him. Did you know that Samuel Smith die a few days or weeks afterwards? because he came the aid of his brothers and was beaten by the mob? He was also the First formally called Missionary in the last dispensation! (I found that out while writing a talk not too long ago). Soon there will be no fencesitters, we need to choose now who we are putting our trust in and not be afraid to state it with conviction.


Uncle Brent

OK, OK, OK Like "Ol' Eddie" ..... "I GET IT"!

To be honest we've had some of the professional Pictures from Jordan and Kristinas and also Brandon and Barbs wedding. But being too busy to post them is just an excuse. I've been working 12 ore more hours a day 9 days on and 3 off (actually works into 2 1/2) because of night shifts. So When I'm not working I'm getting caught up on yard work and yes I help out alot around the house. (not to mention being burnt out and a bit lazy). But there is no excuse posting the expatriots family picture. Sorry Pat and Heather. So here it/they are (if I can find them in the mess of pics I loaded onto the cumputer (probably about a thousand). Too bad Cal was missing.
Uncle Brent

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Enjoyed Conference

Charlene, I too enjoyed Bishop Burton's 'ity' talk and gleaned about the same from it as you did.

I also liked Dale E. (I can't read my writing. I think it is) Renlund. He was the heart doctor. He said the ultimate heart transplant was a "spiritual change of heart" and then he said "consider the state of your changed heart. There's a lot of food for thought here.

President Monson finished off with the fact that we often find ourselves swimming against the current. If we heed His words, obey His commandments and do what is right, we can overcome.

He also said: "He is our Father - He is real" - I know that I have learned that our Heavenly Father is real. Everything we have comes from Him. I am so grateful to Him for what He has given me. I am also very thankful that He hears and answers my prayers. My prayer is that each of you will find joy in His love.

Love you all,

PS: I sure love to see pictures of all the great-grandbabies but would also like to see more of the older greats - Brooke, Keisha, Austin, Tyeesha, Jakeem, Andre, Marcus & David. I also think we were promised more wedding pictures from the last three weddings.

The second stooge

I appreciated Elder Bednar's talk especially about letting your family know you love them and I liked Elder Holland's testimony of the Book of Mormon. the great thing about all of these talks is you get to read themin the Ensign and you can get a fresh perspective on what was said. The important thing is you know the talks are for your benefit and growth in the gospel. I also want to express my great love and appreciation for the Hudkins family, Al and Adina are family to me. It goes without saying that Charlene is the younger sister that everyone wants in their family. To Bonnie and I , Charlene is the baby! We, the three stooges, are three women from different backgrounds, one is a Scot as if that doesn't complicates matters! But it works, and although we are different in temperament, size and hair colour, I feel I am blessed to have these women in my life and in a way my husband is blessed by the great friendship too. Both of them have taught me many things thereby enriching my life. And even although I have crossed an ocean how blessed I am that the friendship endures. Al and Adina have enriched my life as well in so many ways. Both have shown me great examples of friendship and a marriage. Because of this, my marriage to Ian is one built on friendship, love and gospel truths. Thank you Hudkins for your children, your friendship and the great example you have taught me. I love you guys but remember I am the bright - smart stooge. I have to keep the other two in check. Honest!


Quarter to nine at the Hinko house where Margo and Bonnie came to watch the afternoon session of conference and stay for a nice roast beef dinner. Bonnie has left as she has a new renter moving in and Margo and I are finishing up a new temple dress for her.

My favorite talk this session was Presiding Bishop Burton when he spoke about the virtue
"itys". He referred to the more commonly referred to ones such as charity, integrity, and humility but then went on to mention lots of others that I've never considered as virtues before such as fidelity, opportunity, accountability, civility, and generosity. I also enjoyed Elder Holland's powerful testimony of the Book of Mormon! My favorite music (sigh) was when both of the women organists played together and when the choir sang "O Divine Redeemer". Sis. Law and I did a version of it for piano and organ before she moved a few months ago.

Now I'll pass you on to Margo;

Conference Gleanings

Nancy - you were way ahead of me. Thank you for your kind words.

I too have a testimony of the love of our Savior. I am grateful to Him for making it possible to have a wonderful family here on earth and that we can be a family together forever. Grampa and I pray each one of you every day. We look at each other and say "How can it be that we were so blessed?"

I didn't watch every single speaker and my notes are sparse but there are a few things I gleaned this morning.

* President Monson announced 5 new temples - in Utah, Florida, Brazil, Japan and ????
* He also asked us to pray for those places in the world where the church is not now allowed.
* He asked us to listen and learn.
* Elder Scott spoke of communication from the Lord to His children. He said we should respond to impressions (I'm working on this one). He also said that Satan is good at blocking impressions!
* Elder Osguthorpe (sp) said: Aim high - Learning and teaching are not optional activities in the Kingdom of God.
* Nancy already talked about Elder Bednar. He also said we should be more diligent & concerned at home - especially in the small seemingly insignificant things. (it's always the little things that pile up)
* Pres. Uchdorf spoke about being disciples of Christ - If you love me, keep my commandments. He also said God does not need our love, but OH HOW WE NEED GOD -- how true!!

O.K. That's enough for now. It's half past midnight. This is the first I got to sit at the computer. Grampa is fast asleep. Garth will be jealous to learn that I had a Camilla fix this afternoon. What a cutie!

Love you all very much,

Saturday, October 3, 2009

General Conference

I thought that I would try and beat grandma this time. I just finished watching this mornings conference, ( we had a late night and just started watching) and would like to leave a few of my thoughts like grandma.

Elder Bednars talk had a big impact on me so I would like to comment on his. He said that there are three things that we should work on in the home:

1. Telling our family members that we love them daily
2. Sharing with our family members our testimony
3. Being consistent with our family

In our family saying that we love them is something we do all the time (daily). Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Hudkins who gave me a wonderful husband who has taught me this from the beginning of our marriage, which then has enabled me to teach my children. Troy also tells me he loves me at least a dozen times a day. Sometimes calling between jobs just to say I love you.

The second one I am not so great at, which is sharing my testimony. So I would like to do that now.

I would like to let you know that I do have a testimony of our Loving Savior and our Heavenly Father. I do have a testimony of all our many blessing and the Love my Savior has for me and my family. I do have a testimony of missionary work and of temple work. I do have a testimony of family and the great one Heavenly Father blessed me with and how grateful I am for that. I am grateful for a husband who shared his testimony and the gospel with me. I am grateful for his parents who taught him about the gospel as well and accepted me into their family. I am grateful for the Love they show to all of us and how consistent they are, as well as the great example they are all for all of us. I do love you all and am very great that I am part of this great family.

The third one is being consistent: We do have a great example of this from Grandma and Grandpa. For a lot of years we met every Sunday for a family dinner together. This is something my kids talk about all the time and how close they became with their cousins. They also are consistent with their love and compassion for all of their family. Another example is their consistent service in the temple and mission.

I am grateful for Grandma and Grandpa and the love they show us all !

Hope Everyone enjoyed conference.

Love you all
Auntie Nancy

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Just letting everyone know that today is Louis' birthday and it is a big one! He is 50 years old which is the equivalent of half of a century. Does that mean he is now officially middle aged?
He's just as cute as the day I married him. There's just a little more to love (and a little less hair on the top of his head and the beard is mostly grey now) But other than that he is doing well and enjoying being a Grampa!!!