Tuesday, October 6, 2009

OK, OK, OK Like "Ol' Eddie" ..... "I GET IT"!

To be honest we've had some of the professional Pictures from Jordan and Kristinas and also Brandon and Barbs wedding. But being too busy to post them is just an excuse. I've been working 12 ore more hours a day 9 days on and 3 off (actually works into 2 1/2) because of night shifts. So When I'm not working I'm getting caught up on yard work and yes I help out alot around the house. (not to mention being burnt out and a bit lazy). But there is no excuse posting the expatriots family picture. Sorry Pat and Heather. So here it/they are (if I can find them in the mess of pics I loaded onto the cumputer (probably about a thousand). Too bad Cal was missing.
Uncle Brent


The Hudkins Family said...

What a wonderful bunch of pictures.
Thanks Brent! We enjoy them so much.

Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Hey i put one up haha!

i thought that was good haha im guessing more?

thanks DAD heheh
