Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mike Got a Job!

Hey Family!
I thought since it's been ALMOST TEN DAYS since anyone has posted anything that I would make a post. We have some great news! Mike got his first Co-op position at a company called KPMG. He starts his first term in January and it will last for 8 months and then back to school. He had to go pick up his job offer package at the U of A and inside was a few papers and a Dr Suess book AND a laptop bag for his laptop that he receives from accepting the offer.
Love you all! Talk to ya soon!
Addie & family

The package!

This was Camilla's first bubble bath. She loves her baths soo much! It's a blast!

We thought this was adorable and were glad we captured it on film. Camilla is grabbing her ear and pulling it while she sucks her thumb. Totally cute.


polischuk said...

Congrats Mike!!! So exciting for you guys! Cami is growing so the bath pic. Love you guys ~Jenny, Graham & Amelia

The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations, Mike - You will do great! I love the Dr. Seuss book. Just don't wear it out before Cammi gets to read it.

We love her bathtime hairdo. What a cute picture.
Thanks for sharing your good news.

Love you,
Gramma & Grampa

Jon and Alyson said...

Congrats Mike #4! Well done!! Cami is growing like a weed...wouldn't want to meet her in a dark alley. She just might take me!! hehe the tubby pic is too cute. Love- The Birds

The Hudkins Family said...

Cute pictures you guys!
Is she working on teeth ?
Congrats Mike on the co-op position. What does KPMG stand for?
Auntie Charlene