Sunday, October 4, 2009

Conference Gleanings

Nancy - you were way ahead of me. Thank you for your kind words.

I too have a testimony of the love of our Savior. I am grateful to Him for making it possible to have a wonderful family here on earth and that we can be a family together forever. Grampa and I pray each one of you every day. We look at each other and say "How can it be that we were so blessed?"

I didn't watch every single speaker and my notes are sparse but there are a few things I gleaned this morning.

* President Monson announced 5 new temples - in Utah, Florida, Brazil, Japan and ????
* He also asked us to pray for those places in the world where the church is not now allowed.
* He asked us to listen and learn.
* Elder Scott spoke of communication from the Lord to His children. He said we should respond to impressions (I'm working on this one). He also said that Satan is good at blocking impressions!
* Elder Osguthorpe (sp) said: Aim high - Learning and teaching are not optional activities in the Kingdom of God.
* Nancy already talked about Elder Bednar. He also said we should be more diligent & concerned at home - especially in the small seemingly insignificant things. (it's always the little things that pile up)
* Pres. Uchdorf spoke about being disciples of Christ - If you love me, keep my commandments. He also said God does not need our love, but OH HOW WE NEED GOD -- how true!!

O.K. That's enough for now. It's half past midnight. This is the first I got to sit at the computer. Grampa is fast asleep. Garth will be jealous to learn that I had a Camilla fix this afternoon. What a cutie!

Love you all very much,