Sunday, October 4, 2009

The second stooge

I appreciated Elder Bednar's talk especially about letting your family know you love them and I liked Elder Holland's testimony of the Book of Mormon. the great thing about all of these talks is you get to read themin the Ensign and you can get a fresh perspective on what was said. The important thing is you know the talks are for your benefit and growth in the gospel. I also want to express my great love and appreciation for the Hudkins family, Al and Adina are family to me. It goes without saying that Charlene is the younger sister that everyone wants in their family. To Bonnie and I , Charlene is the baby! We, the three stooges, are three women from different backgrounds, one is a Scot as if that doesn't complicates matters! But it works, and although we are different in temperament, size and hair colour, I feel I am blessed to have these women in my life and in a way my husband is blessed by the great friendship too. Both of them have taught me many things thereby enriching my life. And even although I have crossed an ocean how blessed I am that the friendship endures. Al and Adina have enriched my life as well in so many ways. Both have shown me great examples of friendship and a marriage. Because of this, my marriage to Ian is one built on friendship, love and gospel truths. Thank you Hudkins for your children, your friendship and the great example you have taught me. I love you guys but remember I am the bright - smart stooge. I have to keep the other two in check. Honest!


The Hudkins Family said...

Wow Margo! Your message wasn't here when I opened up the blog to post mine. Must have been sitting at a stop light at the satellite somewhere.

We, too, enjoy you as part of our family and look forward to your visit.
