Thursday, October 8, 2009

An Eye for an Eye

Well, we got another call today and Grampa is to have his cornea transplant tomorrow. He needs to be in the hospital at 11:00 a.m.

We are grateful for this opportunity and especially to the donor and are thinking of the donor's family. We pray for the Lord wrap His comforting arms around them during this sad time.

Grampa is looking forward to having this behind him, but of course, it is pretty stressful at the same time.

Prayers appreciated.

Love you all,


The Hudkins Family said...

Hope you won't forget to have a blessing before your surgery. I understand you have a priesthood holder son on the way right now! We will all be thinking of you and feeling for you tomorrow. You will be in our prayers, also.
Luv and kisses, Charlene xxoo

Jon and Alyson said...

Grampa, we are glad that this will be behind you as well. Good luck tomorrow and hope that you feel comforted! We'll pray as well. Love you lots, and talk soon.
The Bird Family