Saturday, October 10, 2009

Grampa's Home!

Here is the update:

We brought Grampa home about an hour ago. I think he's very happy to be here.

The Dr. is pleased with how his eye looks. Doctor said he was glad they did the second procedure last night to make it perfect. Now he just has to recuperate. No lifting or bending or straining for a while (and, of course, no dishes for EIGHT YEARS!). He sees the doc in a week. He has two types of drops that are administered four times per day. The Dr. said that his vision would get clearer and clearer as each hour progresses and in two weeks it should be really good. We, of course, have some things to watch for and to be concerned about if they happen.

Grampa says that his main concern is to be able to see Spider Solitaire.

The vomiting he had last evening was because an air pocket got stuck and was causing pressure and pain. That is why they had to do another procedure called irrigation.

He is now on the mend. The worst is behind him. No place to go but up.
I HEAR him sleeping all the way from the bedroom right now. That is good!!

Thanks for all your prayers.

Love to everyone,


Jon and Alyson said...

Gramma and Grampa, we are so glad that everything has settled down and that you are feeling better. Glad that the doctor was able to do what needed to be done. We love you lots!!! Heal quick!! See you soon- Bird Family