Saturday, October 3, 2009

General Conference

I thought that I would try and beat grandma this time. I just finished watching this mornings conference, ( we had a late night and just started watching) and would like to leave a few of my thoughts like grandma.

Elder Bednars talk had a big impact on me so I would like to comment on his. He said that there are three things that we should work on in the home:

1. Telling our family members that we love them daily
2. Sharing with our family members our testimony
3. Being consistent with our family

In our family saying that we love them is something we do all the time (daily). Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Hudkins who gave me a wonderful husband who has taught me this from the beginning of our marriage, which then has enabled me to teach my children. Troy also tells me he loves me at least a dozen times a day. Sometimes calling between jobs just to say I love you.

The second one I am not so great at, which is sharing my testimony. So I would like to do that now.

I would like to let you know that I do have a testimony of our Loving Savior and our Heavenly Father. I do have a testimony of all our many blessing and the Love my Savior has for me and my family. I do have a testimony of missionary work and of temple work. I do have a testimony of family and the great one Heavenly Father blessed me with and how grateful I am for that. I am grateful for a husband who shared his testimony and the gospel with me. I am grateful for his parents who taught him about the gospel as well and accepted me into their family. I am grateful for the Love they show to all of us and how consistent they are, as well as the great example they are all for all of us. I do love you all and am very great that I am part of this great family.

The third one is being consistent: We do have a great example of this from Grandma and Grandpa. For a lot of years we met every Sunday for a family dinner together. This is something my kids talk about all the time and how close they became with their cousins. They also are consistent with their love and compassion for all of their family. Another example is their consistent service in the temple and mission.

I am grateful for Grandma and Grandpa and the love they show us all !

Hope Everyone enjoyed conference.

Love you all
Auntie Nancy


The Hudkins Family said...

Oh my goodness, Nancy, you brought tears to my eyes. We now have much to live up to.

The Lord has truly blessed us with a wonderful family. Our hearts just overflow with love for each one of you. Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We are rich!!

We love you all more than words can express.

Gramma & Grampa